Craftisian Blogs

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To answer some of the questions asked about the keel bolts after my last entry, here are some photos from Friendship that show the process a litt...
One of the interesting tools that find a regular use in building boats is the boring bar. After the hull is finished and the time comes to instal...
Once the hull is planked, it is skinned with 6 oz. fiberglass cloth set in epoxy and faired using several tinted coats of a high build epoxy prim...
This is the third in a series of blogs on the different types of wooden boat construction I've done. The first two covered traditional carvel pla...
One of the more common complaints against wooden boats is leaking decks. With a traditional caulked deck this can certainly be a challenge. Decks...
  I have to apologize for my lack of a lot of photos of this stage. I guess it just seemed to boring to take a lot of photos at the time. Anyway t...
Probably the most anticipated part of building a wooden boat is the planking. The old boat builder I learned from used to call it "boardin' 'er up"...
Looks like some of you might like to see a little more boatbuilding (and I need to rescue my blogs from oblivion) so here goes. - These are twelve...
  Besides the yellow cedar which will be used for planking, deck framing and various timbers and knees, an assortment of other woods and materials ...
Note: I was new to blogging when I wrote these. They get a little too technical. 😁 If you lose me, just skip to the pictures. If you are intrigued,...
I’m look for some assistance please on how to make a Small Benchtop Table/Drum Sander for my toymaking efforts, thank you. 
After I made a plan for a forklift it was time to build my own. This blog is about the build process. Beaware that the way I build my models are no...