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This is the finished Inlaid Dovetails. Keep in mind this is only one corner of a box! When doing a complete box a lot of the steps can be done in t...
 The critical step for inlaid dovetails is cutting a rabbet 1st on the tails board. For inlays it is mandatory. The depth of the rabbet determines ...
 First I marked up the pins positions using the tails per Fig 13. Next I set my marking gauge to account for the rebate on the tails board in Fig 1...
  This is a tutorial on how I make “Inlaid Dovetails” sometimes referred to as double dovetails.  You can make them what I call in Fig. 1) “Tail Ou...
 First I milled up and squared all pine  and cedar stock. I am using pine for the two main boards and cedar for the inlay. Initially I cut each to ...
The first thing I checked was the motor mount and the anti-backlash nut. To do this I removed the spoil board and the floor. I found a large amount...

Caring For Your Leather Creations: Maintenance Tips

Leather is a timeless material that brings elegance and durability to your belongings, whether it's bags, shoes, or even furniture. But if you don’...
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Top 5 Leatherworking Techniques For Beginners

Leatherworking is a rewarding and creative craft that invites you to bring your unique ideas to life. Whether you want to create beautiful handmade...
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How To Choose The Right Leather For Your Projects

Choosing the right leather for your projects can really make a difference in both the functionality and the aesthetic appeal of what you're creatin...
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In-Depth Review: Narex 6 pc Woodworking Chisel Set

As woodworking enthusiasts, we know that the quality of our tools can make or break our projects. Investing in high-quality chisels is essential fo...
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