Mini Office Workbench #11: Drill the side clamp holes, finish cookies


This is part 11 in a 13 part series: Mini Office Workbench

 Boys and Girls,
Another shortie which cannot be seen under the animal nightie.
I basically braced the edge with some 19mm thick pine to give a greater surface for my drill press jig to drill the holes,
for using these clamps 
to attach the board to a tabletop if required,
Though it looks like a squirrel grip, I make use of this gizmo to remove my nuts (on the bolt!),
If you’ve never seen them before, after watching the video you’ll never be able to say that again… actually after the above happy snap you already can’t.
To watch the gizmo in action, check out the video, 

It’s somewhere in there.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD