Typical Stuff In The Shop #17: Black Wall Unit


This is part 17 in a 18 part series: Typical Stuff In The Shop

  1. Hide the Wiring
  1. Solid Surface Top
  2. Black Wall Unit
  3. BIG

This was something I built for one of my buddies.
It was built for, and installed in the offices of a company that races Porsche's.  (Hence the red pin stripes)
He had it painted, and I wired up the lights and helped install it.

It was all built out of Maple ply with soft maple hardwood fronts.
I cut small v-grooves in the faces of the shelves, header, and vertical rails that were painted red to look like pin stripping.
LED strip lighting was put behind the faces, down both sides, of each compartment.
I don't take good pictures as it is, but it was hard to get anything with the light that came in through the front windows.
The red doesn't show up well in the pics, but looked pretty good in person. The painters could have done a better job. I wish I would have done it.

That's my (young puppy) buddy below. He does excellent work,  better than me.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.


bad ass as usual my friend ! your too f@#kin modest man. you do some cool 💩 ! i like those pin stripes, suttle yes, but gives the look of high style ! well done to say the least !!!!

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

i wanted to save this to collections but it's a blog so i cant. bud post as project so all can enjoy my friend ! oh your modesty is pissing me off so im gonna come and kick your ass, ok !!!!! get ready for a whoopin ! 🤣🤣🤣😎

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice! Looks good!!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".


That is beautiful work.


That's a lot of lumber. Real nice work as usual. Good help is hard to find. 
Absolutely great looking work,   


Looks top level! 
So, is each section separate and then assembled with the fronts on site?  Are the shelves in dados or another method?

I am dislike painting (and am not very good at it!) so the words "I wish I would have done it" would be very unlikely for me.  🤷‍♀️This looks good in the pictures, but know your standard.  

Thanks for sharing.

Excellent wall unit Extremely professional!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Beautiful work, as always! That’s a very classy looking bookcase.

What don’t you like about the paint job? It looks good in the photos.
What can I add?

That has all your trademarks of design and crisp/clean construction!

The puppy deserves a treat and tummy rub!
Nice clean design. I bet it is solid as a rock too!
Thanks Everybody!
I appreciate the comments.

Pottz - An ass kickin does a person good.. 
I didn't post as a project because I didn't do the finish,  I don't feel it's MY complete work.

BB1 -  The shelves are adjustable, shelf holes drilled for pins.
Pretty much got the assembly right. The Header and Base are separate with each section getting attached to the base.  The only difference is that the rails are already attached.  Here is the drawing showing them.
(I love finishing,  that is what makes or breaks a project.)
A good finish can save a job as where a bad finish can ruin a job.

Ron - Some areas of the black look a little cloudy.  Kind of something maybe only the experienced person might notice. Luckily, where it sat with the lighting, it didn't show.  The other things is the red paint in the grooves wasn't as consistent as it should have been. Looks like they did it by hand. I give the finish a C+  or maybe a B- at best.

Here is how I would have done it: Primmed the unit black and put a clear coat over it. Taped along both sides of the v-groove and spray painted the groove. removed the tape, block sanded the faces to true up the lines and then clear coated everything with a couple more coats. 

I'm sure the finishing company that did this is more production minded,  but they still charged a custom price.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Bent...over the top as usual....thanks for showin' us!!  That kid is lucky to be able to learn from the master....


Thanks for the added information.  Always interested in learning about the process behind the project.  
It's a fine looking piece,  your painting suggestion is great, one for the notebook for sure..
wow cant say nothing that has not already been said except GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Thanks for the explanation about the paint job. If the painters did the stripes by hand, there must be some waviness or unevenness that’s not apparent (at least to me) in the photos. Your technique sounds like it would produce perfectly straight, crisp lines.
Thank You All

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.