Thanks Everybody!
I appreciate the comments.

Pottz - An ass kickin does a person good.. 
I didn't post as a project because I didn't do the finish,  I don't feel it's MY complete work.

BB1 -  The shelves are adjustable, shelf holes drilled for pins.
Pretty much got the assembly right. The Header and Base are separate with each section getting attached to the base.  The only difference is that the rails are already attached.  Here is the drawing showing them.
(I love finishing,  that is what makes or breaks a project.)
A good finish can save a job as where a bad finish can ruin a job.

Ron - Some areas of the black look a little cloudy.  Kind of something maybe only the experienced person might notice. Luckily, where it sat with the lighting, it didn't show.  The other things is the red paint in the grooves wasn't as consistent as it should have been. Looks like they did it by hand. I give the finish a C+  or maybe a B- at best.

Here is how I would have done it: Primmed the unit black and put a clear coat over it. Taped along both sides of the v-groove and spray painted the groove. removed the tape, block sanded the faces to true up the lines and then clear coated everything with a couple more coats. 

I'm sure the finishing company that did this is more production minded,  but they still charged a custom price.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.