Craftisian Blogs

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After completing all the boring sanding of the individual panels, I started to glue-up some sub-assemblies.   Breaking-up the assembly into multipl...
A number of years ago, I turned this narrow wall into a home for the TV, components, and speakers.  I didn't have a cabinet/console that would fit ...
[03.02 Design - Shelves.jpg]   The L-shaped shelves are a bit more complicated than the boxes. Each consists of five parts (not counting the hanger...
[03.03 Design - Boxes.jpg] The planter boxes were the simplest part of the project. They’re just small cubes with mitered corners and recessed plyw...
[03.01 Design - Slats and Frame.jpg] The back panel is sort of a hollow shell around the sliding mechanism. I wanted to keep it low-profile and as ...
As a final sub-assembly, I glued the bottom and the fixed shelf together.  Here, I used some clamping squares to keep the front edges in the same p...
I used General Finishes High Performance Water Based Poly (flat) for the finish. I love this finish for maple. It levels well, dries quickly, doesn...
[03.05 Design - Mounting Bracket.jpg] Theoretically, I could mount the drawer slides directly to the wall above and below the breaker box and attac...
[03.04 Design - Hangers.jpg] I wanted to use aluminum C-channel for the box/shelf hangers, but I couldn’t find any that was the size I needed, so I...
[image.png] Boys and Girls,   I was tossing up whether to make this a project, hint blog or just append to my Micro-Mark Sled.  However, after cons...
OK after making template to use for inserting the She-Oak into the table top I removed the clamps and continued. [IMG_3153.JPG] I used a stand off...
Then look I had disillusionary thoughts after seeing some of shipwrights work  I could replicate a table. Its the same table I attempted to "copy" ...