A collection of Clamps. #1: Introduction.


This is part 1 in a 29 part series: A collection of Clamps.

Boys and Girls,

I have posted a project about my clamp setup.

I have the standard collection of "normal" clamps, however, I have also have a selection of some of the not so common clamps.  While there is an endless variety of clamps out there, this is geared towards the ones I have and I will try to give a brief detail of my impressions.
It can also serve as an introduction to those not familiar with them of some further insight to either talk you into it or confirm your better choice of not investing.

Initially I intend to follow the the variety of clamps I have in the above photos, moving from left to right, however, don't be surprised if I throw in a surprise or two... at the moment I have a concept but one never know whether this duck is psychic or psycho,

I will start off the chain with my Bessy REVO, which will just be a pointer to a previous review.

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Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Having run the gamut of entries, a big 👍 for this collection (albeit some are just links which is fine).

Great resource for exposing the finer details of the wild wide world of clamping.

Thanks Splinter... to most veterans, this may be ho-hum... however, if we manage to lure any novices, especially with Birdies LJ Porn thread, they may be introduced to some they never heard of.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

This is an impressive series. Instead of buying a new clamp to check it out, I'll just check here first!