A collection of Clamps. #10: Deep Throat F-Clamp

Boy and Girls,
There is little extra I can add to this picture other than make you aware that they are available.  I picked it up at one of our Melbourne (Aussieland) Wood Shows quite a few years ago.
I cannot remember the vendor, but it was one of those sell "all incidentals" stalls. Bought 2 as you should always buy clamps in pairs... I need to remind myself as I have sinned.
The following is it's capacity (330mm x 320mm)... though imperial versions may vary,
It is heavy, heavy duty.
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If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Jim J. made his own versions a while back IIRC. Certainly one of those uncommon needs, but when you need it....
That a very nice clamp LBD. I think they cost $120. Plus $80. Freight.

I bought 4 of these 12” x 4” (304.8 mm x 101.6 mm) deep reach clamps at Harbor Freight and they work fine. The only set back is their 4” (106.6 mm) opening.

Since your our resident Clampologist I was wondering if you have an opinion on these clamps?
I'm far from a reliable opinion on clamps.... I guess if I was I'd have just one type and stick to it,  I'm always on the lookout for alternatives... the main difference between me and the average Joe Blo, I am stupid enough to buy something new/different with the hope that it might work... there are many tools in my workshop that I would rate in the -ve.

Because of the bulk and expected weight of those clamps, I'd be a tad apprehensive of the small metal "pad" on the threaded arm, though packed would not be a major issue if you remember before the glue up starts and not have to ferret around for one in a panic... and personally I hate those rodded handles (or whatever they may be called)... the depth/thickness looks a tad limited.  I have a small collection of C clamps that never see daylight for that reason.

However, If you want/need a long reach any is better than none... sore beats a 10 kg dumbell sagging on some top's glue up.

Personally, any long reach (and the longer the better) is better than not having the option.       

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Thanks for the sage wisdom LBD. 
I knew it you are our  resident Clampologist! 

I do hot glue square pieces of wood or expanded pvc board on the pads to help prevent the clamp compression marks on the wood. 

Bessey clamp company seems to be the most innovative in this space. 

 Bessey clamp company seems to be the most innovative in this space.  

Unfortunately, there;'s a cost for innovation above the "pretty-pretty" looks.

Sorry to blaspheming... but that's why Fe$tool is also bloody expensive. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD