Craftisian Blogs

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 This blog series documents the planning, design, and construction of the sliding modular display shelf I built for my daughter. [03.00 Design Ove...
This weekends first 'why didn't I think of that before moment' came when I was setting up the router to do the beadings and glazing bars. That was...
Wintery day….first real snow. Pups enjoyed it.[39296A3B-89D5-4AFB-991F-858C81E5DC51.jpeg] Working on the shelf today. Found a chunk of mesquite tha...
Now here is some interesting information for you the interesting indented growth rings are commonly referred to as Hazelwood. This unusual characte...
I'm only helping a buddy out on this one.  It's his job.  Like the title says,  these are 2 big cabinets that are going to be built in 1 piece.  Ju...
Back onto the windows at last, got nothing done in December, I am now looking at Easter as a deadline to have them ready to be fitted. From the ou...
Wintery day….first real snow. Pups enjoyed it.[39296A3B-89D5-4AFB-991F-858C81E5DC51.jpeg] Working on the shelf today. Found a chunk of mesquite tha...
I got the disc sander going again and 60 Grit  the coasters and timbermate. I then switched back to the half sheet sander for 80 120 and 240 grit...
I saw this branch lying on the ground near Crows Nest National Park. (CNNP) The cross section caught my eye as a interesting Drink Coaster [IMG_30...
After reaading all the good constructive comments I decided to continue on with my Drink Coaster project But first I need to acknowledge, (wait for...
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