A collection of Clamps. #8: Torquata Quick Release Cam Lever Clamps


This is part 8 in a 29 part series: A collection of Clamps.

  1. Introduction.
  1. Bessey DuoKlamp
  2. Torquata Quick Release Cam Lever Clamps
  3. Fe$tool VAC-$Y$
  1. Rockler Auto-Lock T-Track Clamp.

Boy and Girls,
Another installment of a different style of clamps I have in my workshop.
Many on the market have the lever extend out the front, like these Bessey,
and Fe$tool (track),

making it difficult to snug up against/under the work... fully open,

fully closed,

unless you resort to upside down application leaving the clamp intrusively in the way,

Yeah, I know... this is like one of those pictures of a person with a recalcitrant vacuum cleaner, cord and hose struggling up a flight of stairs poses.

 To me, this Torquata brand is a more practical version of a cam lever clamp,


When I align a straight edge "vertically" with the clamp jaws, they are a few degrees out of vertical,

and a single ratchet squeeze (middle picture) has it vertical with further squeezes gets it in the -ve angle range.

The same scenario as above with the Bessey, using the Torquita... fully open,


These are available in Aussieland (Timbecon), however, they look like GW's Jorgies, mentioned in comments to my JackClamps

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Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Name sounds like another Mexican food that has the same ingredients as all the others, just maybe the tortilla is inside out or the meat has a different distribution factor.

Could also be a fancy new Spanish dirt bike.

Good info on the handle positioning advantages, always in the back of my mind when doing the clamp-dense stuff and needing to "mind the gap"


Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Talking Mexican... Green bum (grassy arse)...

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

My wife always says "mucho Garcias"

 commented about 1 hour ago
My wife always says "mucho Garcias"

BIG green bum!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD