A Pair of Side Tables #3: Legs and More!

Same process for the legs, I'll skip by fast.

Trim the excess, leaving about 1/16"....

... for the router with a flush trim bit.

A few passes through the DS to flatten out and glue up the other faces as before.
This time with TB dark since these might expose a glue line and the final finish will be dark(ish)

Four at a time is less stress!

Laser out a pair of router templates for the lower cross braces.

The cross braces cut to final dimensions. They will overlap so I need to cut the laps first while everything is square.
Box joint blade set is my go-to for clean cuts. I band saw out most of the waste first.

The templates will cover both sides so I can always be routing "down hill". I may also use just one and flip the part if I use a top/bottom bearing bit.

First I need to cut the tenons with the same box joint blade set.
Legs are also ready having been trimmed. A lot of fussing just to get a QS face and rift sides!

Till the next exciting episode!


im gettin all warm and fuzzy splint !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Glad to turn you on buddy!

Maybe next installment I'll recap, in excruciating detail, everything that has gone on before! 😬
you always do 😍

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Going to be great!!!


Splinter - nice work.  I'm on my second bowl of popcorn.  😀  What is the reason behind the asymmetric lap notches in the cross braces?  The legs look great.
Thanks Ross,
the braces will be profiled on the bottom side so only the top 1-1/2" will cross (if my "plan" works!)
Okay, that makes sense, thanks.  
Everything you put your hands on turn to pure gold. outstanding!