I don't post too much anymore, I just don't see any reason to.  Although I am in the wood shop every day doing something and today I'm finishing up 5 cheese slicers I was making for the Atwood show..  The picture below shows some of the items I've done in the last 2 weeks.   There would be more but I loaded 2 large totes with an assortment that will be taken to an outlet that buys some of my stuff.
I just finished reading a boat load of rhetoric which amounts to absolutely nothing but childish drama and I'm sorry I wasted my time reading it.
So bottom line  -  save the rhetoric and make saw dust, enjoy life -  unless drama is your life.
Have a GREAT day everybody

25 Replies

I agree with you.  More Sawdust !!!
well said Dick. i love your work my friend. hey when you get time post some pic's of your beautiful garden on the patio, id love to see more of it.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

funny thing about our flowers this year  -   I decided to NOT plant as many hanging baskets and just do a couple because of the watering regimen.
So anyway, we were given a hanging basket gift early this summer and wouldn't you know a House Finch and her hubby decided to make it home for 2 clutches .   We were able to watch progress on a daily basis but every time we ventured to the porch for an evening glass of wine or a beer, that just raised hell because we were out there. 
They eventually got over it and allowed us to spend a little time on the porch enjoying the evening.  It's really neat to watch the 'babies' flex their wings and finally take off.  it was quite the experience for us  TWICE in one summer. 
Anyway, here's a picture of our 'wild' Hibiscus  -  It's not quite caught up to summer yet but it's well on it's way.
The green at the flag pole base is the Tiger Lillies that have long ago bloomed and there should be a rabbit right in the middle of them.   We watched him come out and actually stretch his legs and go eat grass then later come back and crawl back in .  Linda said all was good until the ping petunias start disappearing  ??
Recycle...My God man, that is a lot of stuff in two weeks.  I usually have some small projects like this going and then a large one.  I vacillate back and forth to keep it interesting, but I have never got that much done in two weeks.....nice stuff too!!!  Good Job!


That’s a lot of stuff into weeks!! It’s awesome you’re able to be in your shop as much as you are, good for you!!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I too Dick prefer making sawdust in the shed. 
You sir have been working hard to complete that beautiful pile of handmade wooden creations. 
It’s winter downunder so no such luck of having and seeing a nest of birds, that’s very special. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Great effort and production Dick!
Still in awe of your landscaping, very tasteful! (apparently the rabbit thinks so too!)
Thanks guys
I go to the shop around 7 in the morning get my head lined up and start cuttings and glueing.  By the time airborne dust settles, I usually have 8 or 10 bowls waiting for another coat of finish.  Everything gets at least 4 coats and most get up to 6 or more so there’s always something to work on.
Funny thing about the cheese slicers - a previous customer stopped to get a couple slicers for gifts headed to California and I didn’t have anything that struck his fancy except the ones I was then working on.  I told him they would be ready this evening and to come back if he wanted.
While I was moving off cuts and trying to plan a couple days ahead I ran into 5 more slicers that needed  drilled etc.  So by the time he and his wife got back this evening I had 12 cheese slicers ready to confuse. Well, he liked this pair and she like that pair - guess who won ?
So right now my glue ups are all used up so tomorrow will be glue and clamp day.

I too Dick prefer making sawdust in the shed. 
You sir have been working hard to complete that beautiful pile of handmade wooden creations. 
It’s winter down under so no such luck of having and seeing a nest of birds, that’s very special. 

We were down under in December 10 or so years ago and it was quite a shock because it was winter here and absolutely beautiful in Sydney and Melbourne 
You're a full blown production shop pumping out all of those projects that fast. 
Nice work and even better they sell as fast as you can make them.
yes Dick its funny i play game to to aussies they say its cold now here i say what cold they say 45  LOL 🙄


Hi dick. You are like a tornado in the shop! Quite an array Lots of nice products for the next show!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

 Thanks guys
I go to the shop around 7 in the morning get my head lined up and start cuttings and glueing. 

I was like that after I retired. Woodworking was almost a passion. I would spend the whole day,either creating my workspace or turning nice pieces of wood into firewood. The yard looked like a tornado passed by.

Eventually I would spend less time in the shop, my work improved and I even cut the grass once in a while.

You still have the passion, I wish I did.

Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me ... Buck Owens

I still have the passion but the body is a bit worn out.  I tend to do smaller projects and go slower but love doing them.
I’m actually finding joy in slowing down and doing smaller ‘chunks’ of a project at a time. Something cool about incremental progress. Although I love spending time in the shop just tinkering too…temperature not withstanding!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I hope I keep it going after retirement. Have a few other non-woodworking projects (car restorations) that have been bugging the crap out of me for years.

Ryan, I thought high temp tolerance was part of your day job requirements?
Tolerance yes, enjoyment no. Pouring sweat all over my projects causes too much grain raising!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I'm in the shop 7 days a week doing something.  There are days tho that I walk out, turn on the lights and go totally brain dead.  If there's nothing glued up waiting I sometimes have a dickens of a time getting a new project started - BUT -  once I get started it, it's on
well Jim if he is a tornado 

Jim Jakosh

replied 1 day ago
Hi dick. You are like a tornado in the shop! Quite an array Lots of nice products for the next show!!

you must be the hurricane 🤣🤣🤣


I lost my passion, but not my enjoyment from making things. I give myself a challenge. Decide what to make then figure out how to do it.

Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me ... Buck Owens