Thanks guys
I go to the shop around 7 in the morning get my head lined up and start cuttings and glueing.  By the time airborne dust settles, I usually have 8 or 10 bowls waiting for another coat of finish.  Everything gets at least 4 coats and most get up to 6 or more so there’s always something to work on.
Funny thing about the cheese slicers - a previous customer stopped to get a couple slicers for gifts headed to California and I didn’t have anything that struck his fancy except the ones I was then working on.  I told him they would be ready this evening and to come back if he wanted.
While I was moving off cuts and trying to plan a couple days ahead I ran into 5 more slicers that needed  drilled etc.  So by the time he and his wife got back this evening I had 12 cheese slicers ready to confuse. Well, he liked this pair and she like that pair - guess who won ?
So right now my glue ups are all used up so tomorrow will be glue and clamp day.