CNNP Sheoak Coasters #1: CNNP Sheoak Coasters second


This is part 1 in a 5 part series: CNNP Sheoak Coasters

  1. CNNP Sheoak Coasters second
  2. Surface Finishs
  1. CNNP Coaster meet the CBHS Table

After reaading all the good constructive comments I decided to continue on with my Drink Coaster project
But first I need to acknowledge, (wait for it) ... all the members who offered support and encouragement. (snicker snicker)

I rolled out my trolley with my disc sander on it to continue on, however it threw a tyre, so I had to call out the trusty Service dept to fix the issue.

I had as luck has it a spare in my huge" boxawheels",  not sure what caused it to shred the tyre but off it comes.

nothing like adding amounts of time to a project with side issues, or in this case bottom issues.

Any way pressing on I fired up the disc sander and carefully sanded the pucks.

I may add at this time I did attempt to use my ROS but all it did  was rip the bark off the edges in places  of which was what I didn't want.

consequently I had to spend  more time fiddling about re glueing them.
So to mitigate  the denuding I decided to glue cork on the back.

Quick Grip and  away we go.

cut them separate with a box  cutter blade

After trimming off the excess I profiled the edges.

Once that was all set I batt drilled the edges to get a neat profile.

The disc sander did a 60 Grit job on the opposite surfaces with little de barking.
As rough as it was the timber still experienced a little burning.

I then needed to fill the gaps, for this, I used Timbermate wood filler.

the used a 1/2 sheet sander at 60, 120 and 240.

I decided to seal them overnight and continue on tomorrow so I managed to obtain
the developing surface finishes.

Will it work, ...possibly may as its looking good so far.

Regards Rob

what fun is a project without a repair job in the middle huh ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I just posted another comment on the last entry but looks like I'm a day late and a dollar short :-)  
They look great! I've got a stack of lilac discs that need this treatment.
Thatsalotta work!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

 I rolled out my trolley with my disc sander on it to continue on, however it threw a tyre, so I had to call out the trusty Service dept to fix the issue.
So you Queenslanders have pothole issues as well as us Victorians

 I may add at this time I did attempt to use my ROS but all it did  was rip the bark off the edges in places  of which was what I didn't want.

That's where I use the cheapo CA glue,

from $2 shops (and Bunnings occasionally) for $2 for 7 (3g) tubes... now $2.50. The AA battery gives an indication of size.
Alternatively for 1 shekel more at Bunnings (usually),

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Great project, I am still impressed with the wood you are using.
I wanna hear more about that blown tyre!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD