Woodworking Blogs

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Time to wind up this little blog about my venture into hand dyeing marquetry. Most of what's been covered here so far is also covered in the blog...
I have done a few dye projects since the last post to this blog but they have been small and not very noteworthy. I did however learn from them a...
The biggest and most dramatic new lesson I learned from the "Facets" project's dyeing was the huge dimensional movement that you can get when you...
Craftisian magic embeds got even more powerful. In addition to automatically turning a copy-pasted Youtube, Vimeo and Craftisian project link into ...
Well, the construction part of this blog is over such as it was, so it's time for a few shots of the finished boats. Again the differences will b...
Boys and Girls.   Another tip migrated across, that may save a few shekels for some.   It was first published at LJ on 28th, December, 2019.  Now...
Boys and Girls,   With the arrival of my new baby… [IMG_8043.png] he was a 100L quite baby boy… I remembered posting a similar topic on LJ back on...
2022: This blog is over ten years old and covers the build of my first chevalet. These links will update all the improvements: https://craftisian.c...
Boys and Girls, A tad of you may have cottoned onto me being a bit of a SketchUp tragic... It is my goto tool for any project... Designing in Sket...
Disclaimer: There is no woodworking content in this post. It exists to show the final pre-veneering steps of the build--the steps that turn cabinet...
There are several ways to attach veneer: hide glue, contact cement, cold glue in a press, etc. The only method I've ever used is the iron-on wood g...
 Up the Creek with a Finished Paddle So, here we go. This will be the final chapter to this series. When we left off the paddle blade and shaft we...