For the shapes of the climbing modules, I took inspiration from the simple circle-triangle-square shapes that were repeated throughout the 2021 Netflix hit, The Squid Game. (I am still not sure what I think about this show. It's brutal and disturbing and it doesn't let up. It was exhausting to watch. But it certainly was a hit.)
The acrylic half-spheres will stand-in for the circle. The remaining climbing modules will consist of a pair of equilateral triangles and a pair of squares. The faces of the modules have the same width as the raised edge of the trays so that visually, the tray edge will complete the missing edge of the square or triangle.
Each module (I didn't take any photos of their construction) will either be mounted on top of a tray:
...or beneath a tray:
I experimented with various layouts on basement floor to see what would be practical given nominal cat dimensions and the maximum range of mounting holes of the uprights. I've pretty much determined that I'll only be able to fit 5 trays in the vertical space I have. I want to be able to shift the modules around if/when I want, and laying them out in different configurations helped me work out a way to do that. For your viewing monotony, here are some layouts I captured. All but the first is doable within the usable height.
I noticed my tray construction blunder too late - I have the 'B' side of the plywood showing on the underside of the trays. I should have put that on the inside since it will be covered by a carpet insert. No big deal, since it is just cat furniture. Besides, I may need to change some dimensions anyway after the cats put some miles on it, so there's always an opportunity for a rebuild.
All these components will get a coat of sanding sealer followed by some water-borne poly.
Those look like the cats are going to enjoy them. 'B' grade doesn't look bad, something only you are really going to notice, if anybody says something make them leave.
Coming along nicely...
Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.
Great design, Ross—visually interesting for the humans in the room, and intellectually stimulating for the cats. It’s good that you experimented with all those configurations. You can use your photos as a guide for mixing things every now and then to keep the cats interested.
Been lurking along here Ross, when you go, you go all in 🙂
Now in a cat free house, but when we had two of the buggers, they were "blessed" with multiple cat trees. Nothing as elaborate as what you are building, but a few holes and tubes to ponder. Turns out they never bothered with the passages, they just scaled the side, King Kong style, just to reach the coveted top penthouse. I suppose kittens will go ape over all the ambush positions if there are a few of them to form teams!
Bentlyj commented about 12 hours ago Those look like the cats are going to enjoy them. 'B' grade doesn't look bad, something only you are really going to notice, if anybody says something make them leave.
Coming along nicely...
Thanks, Bentlyj. Actually, the B side has more character and if it weren't for the filled knots it would have been a more interesting outer surface for the whole tray. I think you're right - I'm the only one who will know or care about the undersides.
It will be interesting to see what project will be up next for the felines. Maybe a walkway near the ceiling form to get around the room. LOL.
Hi Eric - I have seen some pretty elaborate cat playgrounds as I was searching for ideas. I don't want to be seen as a crazy cat person, so I think the one structure will be quite enough. 😀
Ron Stewart commented about 12 hours ago Great design, Ross—visually interesting for the humans in the room, and intellectually stimulating for the cats. It’s good that you experimented with all those configurations. You can use your photos as a guide for mixing things every now and then to keep the cats interested.
Hi Ron - thanks. I'm hoping it will be somewhat sculptural and pleasant to look at since I'm going to be staring at it for some time to come. It seems strange that the cat aspect of it is secondary. But hey, they're happy with a wad of paper, so whatever I come up with should be okay. Unless, of course, they totally ignore it. Then I'll have to grapple with some serious self-worth issues.
Now in a cat free house, but when we had two of the buggers, they were "blessed" with multiple cat trees. Nothing as elaborate as what you are building, but a few holes and tubes to ponder. Turns out they never bothered with the passages, they just scaled the side, King Kong style, just to reach the coveted top penthouse. I suppose kittens will go ape over all the ambush positions if there are a few of them to form teams!
looking formidable!
Thanks, SplinterGroup. I figure there will be some amount of ignoring of what is plainly the proper way to use the structure. It will be interesting to see how the cats get around on it.
Thanks, pottz. The weather here in Ohio should be pretty good this next Friday, so I’m hoping to be able to spray the poly outside. Otherwise I’d be stuck inside with a brush.