Introduction to the task at hand

Our museum received a Gledhill-Brook time recorder as a donation. It has fallen to me to bring it back from the dead.

This where it stands right now.

Two locks and no keys, the bottom compartment is partially broken off. The connecting arms between the clock and time card punch came off, no wind up key for the clock, finish is shot and so on.

Should be a major learning process.

I got a locksmith to fab up two keys for me, naturally the two locks had different keys. Getting my hand up inside the clock to remove the lock set was less than exciting.

Where I am now

Locks are replaced, separated the bottom mechanism compartment from the main case and getting ready to repair it.

The time card mechanism

Restoring this will be later.

I’ve found an amateur horologist in England, hopefully he can fill in some blanks!

This blog will develop as I move forward. Nice to have a small scale project for the museum, normally our projects tend to be on the big side, say forty feet or so :-)!


Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn


How is the progress of the train car coming Kevin
We’re almost done with the interior. The ceiling stencils and painting are going on now. Cutting the metal roof has begun. When done the car will be moved outside. The main building will have an extension put on to shelter this car and two others from the same series.

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

Interesting post and I will follow
I love those older clockwork devices and it's something I'd dive into if I had the time.

Looks simple enough to really do a detailing job and not go crazy. Hopefully all the goodies are there and you can get it functional!
 "The Repair Shop" TV show did a restoration on an old time clock.  The innards did not look as rough as this one and may be from a different maker but it might offer some ideas. 

This is a great series BTW for anyone who likes to tinker with old things.  I binge watched all of the available seasons earlier this year. 

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

I really enjoyed that show. I think it was available on one intercontinental flight I was on…watched all of them. Beats some dumb movie…or three…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I also enjoy that show, but they are just too nice! Makes me think they are not really Brits but actually Canadians 😃
Ha! You may be right….😆

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Or maybe Canadian wanabees.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Cool video Nathan.

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef