Restoration of an 1897 railroad car. #5: Wrapping up the intermediate sill.

Sorry I missed last Wednesdays update, we were camping on the coast with family.

I got all but one of the mortises cut when I reinstalled the beam. Not happy to see that, had to cut it in place.

Installed most of the cross pieces. They have 1 1/2 x 1 3/4 tenons on both ends.

Installing the last few cross members n arch end will not be as easy as the center ones. With the center ones I was able to just muscle( big wooden mallet) them in. We’ll get them in on Monday, then we’re back camping in Yosemite. After that we start the 26’ outside sill along with the wall truss frame!
The two guys on the left are my co volunteers, the one on the right is our director.
See you next week.

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I get worn out just looking at all that work!

So I guess you get the "foundation" all restored then work on upwards? What stage does the flooring go in?
Making progress!!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Flooring goes in relatively late, avoiding damage from us banging, dropping, drooling, and so on! :-). We will put in what we call belly boards, just an outside layer on the underside. Once that is in we will insulate with shredded cedar.

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How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Seems railroad cards are similar. ;-)

May you have the day you deserve!

So many peeps view a M&T as a bring the work to the tool kind of job (Mortising machine, drill press, etc etc etc) You are getting it done the right way, bring the tool to the work kind of job. Whammer and Chisel, and a whack attack. I love this Timber Framing kind of constructing large pieces. It is hard work, but strangely as gratifying as it can be. :-)

Keep writing, and I'll keep reading. 
Dave, 110% correct!l
Looking at the whole thing scares the ish out of me.
 Thanks George.

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I’d be interested in some history of the overall project. Who decided it would be cool to restore these and who is funding it. I find it interesting that railroads started here in the east and you have this project on the opposite end of the country.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

Don, we’re headed out to Yosemite, I’ll address your questions in detail when we get back. Short answer is we’re self funded and we get small donations. Narrow gauge railroads are a staple on the west coast, they’re indispensable for logging in the coastal range.

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Wow!!!!   Incredible work.   I am in awe of the project and of your craftsmanship.  She’s a beauty!
They ever use any sliding dove tails for some of the joinery?
Not that I’m aware of. All I’ve found is M&T, standard dovetails and half lap joints.

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