Video/YouTube recommendations

When I got into woodworking, I had no background so I bought Woodsmith DVDs and watched them over and over.  I also bought some of the Woodworkers Guide DVDs with George Vondriska.  Learned a lot from both sources.  Now, when I’m on my stationary bike, or over lunch, I like to listen to YouTube videos on woodworking.  I thought a forum where everyone could share their favorites would be interesting and I might find some “new favorites” to check out.  Here’s some that I have enjoyed (no particular order – just how they come to mind): 

  • James Ervin (his videos are so calming to watch…plus there is a great looking dog that makes random appearances!) 
  • Jonathan Katz Moses 
  • Wood Whisper 
  • Matt Cremona 
  • 3x3 Custom 
  • Stumpy Nubs 
  • Rob Cosman 
  • Paul Sellers 
  • Jon Peters 
  • Steve Ramsey – Woodworking for Mere Mortals 
  • Foureyes Furniture 

27 Replies

heres a few i like.

brian benham
blacktail studio
john malecki
william ng

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I forgot about Brian - his work is really amazing and his videos were great.
A few i watch 
Wood by Wright 
Honey badger woodwork
I also lime 3x3.
Corelz125 - thanks for including HoneyBadger as I was trying to remember hers and couldn't recall your prior recommendation.  
I watched a lot of her videos when making my table
Haven't watched a bunch of videos, but I do enjoy the Woodsmith magazine. Have modified a few of their plans to suit my needs.

Main Street to the Mountains

I done a couple magazines too.  Woodworker's Journal and Wood.  Have only done a few projects out of them and usually modify.  
I probably have about 20 years packed away, need to revisit one day for new ideas. OK, squirrel away stuff at times.

Main Street to the Mountains

Guessing you'll see similar projects come around. 
That is true, and I'm seeing a bunch of new ones here too.

Main Street to the Mountains

If you want crazy/out-of-left-field... Izzy Swan is hard to beat... he comes up with many radical ideas... I seldom undertake any of his projects, however, some of the subtle practices  have come in handy.

That's where I found out about the GRABO which is now an oft used equipment in my shop.

, just waiting for RC to chime in with his Anellia on How to sand wood.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Izzy Swan is a good one! Kinda crazy stuff, but fun. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

For all you non-racists out there... Dave Stanton is an Aussie and if you're into gadgets, he has a fair presentation of them.

Also if you're intrigued by the MFT style workbench, it's hard to pass up this video (and his follow up accompaniments)

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Another one I forgot - I've watched quite a few of Izzy Swan's.  He creates some really neat shop items.  
I like Rex Kruger, Eric meyer-maker, wood by Wright, the wood whisper, Matt Cremona, for something thats not totally woodworking but has lot Sampson boat co. Im sure there are more but its early to remember things yet lol

Jerry-Holland Mi

LBD Dave is very good.

BB1 - this is a good forum!


Ducky, you use the GRABO a lot? Just for materials handling or what? His video shows some great options, I wonder realistic it is for say, a vacuum pot or vertical work holding. Thoughts?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

 replied about 7 hours ago
Ducky, you use the GRABO a lot? Just for materials handling or what? His video shows some great options, I wonder realistic it is for say, a vacuum pot or vertical work holding. Thoughts?

Thoughts put into "action"...  around 15:00 in the video.

I often use it as an anchor in the middle of sheet goods for clamps.  I'll ferret around for some happy snaps.

Havent tried for vacuum pot as I have a dedicated one, however, with the pull, might even be better with Izzy's base plate.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

It’s of interest to me because I feel like if I could use it for moving stock, as part of a vacuum pot, as a vertical vise like he had, and potentially for vacuum forming, it might be worth getting into it. I wouldn’t do enough of any one of those to make it worth it, but all-in it makes more sense. I guess a lot of that comes down to how much I’d spend on the accessories since at some point that overwhelm any savings…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

 replied 6 minutes ago

 replied about 7 hours ago
Ducky, you use the GRABO a lot? Just for materials handling or what? His video shows some great options, I wonder realistic it is for say, a vacuum pot or vertical work holding. Thoughts?

.....  I'll ferret around for some happy snaps.

Used to anchor one end of tracksaw track onto a cabinet where the Fe$tool tracksaw clamp would not span,

basically used this principle,

Handy 3rd. hand when fixing stuff to walls.

If you only buy for lifting glass... hard to justify, but a bit of lateral thinking and I have found many uses...
Has it paid for itself... probably not (yet)... has it made my life easier... blood oaf, and that's priceless!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD