Festool 18V 5.2Ah Li-ion Cordless Bluetooth® Airstream Battery


When A Bluetooth turns green.

Boys and Girls,
No you haven’t got parsley trapped between your teeth.
I got jealous of all you guys and galls getting prezzies of your pets.  Unfortunately my latest is not a flea carrier so I wasn’t surprised whan I only got a skin for Christmas and not the full kit,

It may not cuddle up in my lap, however, I don’t have to remember to feed it or empty the kitty litter.
I was happy enough with the skin as I already had a charger and battery that accompanied it twin brother,
… which I alone had to pay for!
Having acquired this new Bluetooth (BT) cordless tool, I thought it may be opportune to re-post this article here, that was released at LJ in Dec, 2021.
Now I’m not trying to convince yazall to get a second job, mortgage your house, get the pets a paid job or force the grandkids into servitude at Mackas, to convert to Fe$tool, but rather point out the Bluetooh usage concept in their integrated products, as many may not have encountered them.
One thing not covered in the below LJ migration, is the remote control function.  
Previously I used to use a remote controlled powerpoint to turn my shop vac on/off, however, to use this feature I had to have it set on Manwell 
and when I wanted Otto  for tool control, 
I had to manually flip the switch. 
With BT, the available remote control can be used regardless of whether the switch is on Otto or Manwell.  
The remote can be carried with your or attached to the hose
When using my disc sander on the lathe, I duct the hose,
and remotely control it at the lathe,
As well as the above two sanders (which use a different style 18V BT battery), I have the following cordless Fe$tool tools…
  • . Tracksaw,
  • Multi-tool,
  • Jigsaw,
  • 2 different 18V drills 
that use these BT batteries. 
Initially I thought that turning on my shop vac with a drill was a bit of a wank… and where the hell would I use it…  until I went troppo with my MFT style workbenches.  The UJK Parf Guide System uses a forstner bit for the 20mm dog holes… and c’mon who hasn’t cussed about inappropriate dust collection at a drill press when using forstner bits.  The UJK has a collector attachment 
for the chips/sawdust, which is incredibly efficient when paired with my Fe$tool dusty and I was wrapped when the drill undertook the task of automatically activating the dusty… how many times do we forget the dusty till we're up to our necks in chips/sawdust and just about finished the task?... or we just keep it running for whenever we would forget it again..... QED!
I’m aware there are quite a few people out there with unyielding pride, that are ashamed to come out of the closet and fess up to their Fe$tool extravagance… here’s your chance/excuse.
I also know of a few people that refuse to go cordless as they considered it a hassle to manually turn on their accompanying dust extractor without a cord in the appliance plug… and then cuss profusely about their cord entanglement

(picture plagiarised with the unconfirmed compliments  of an unknown bunny over at LJ).
If you have a compatible Fe$tool dusty, you could do much worse than upgrade it and maybe the next replacement tool might be a cordless BT compatible… at least add it to your list of options worthy of consideration.
I’m sure one day this feature (BT) will be incorporated in most tools… I’ll enjoy it now while you wait… I’m praying for the day that Rotex goes BT.
At my age, convenience is a worthy investment and I sincerely hope yazall will at least reach that minimum.
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo --------------------------------------------- 

Festool - 18V 5.2Ah Li-ion Cordless Bluetooth® Airstream Battery, P/No: 202479 (BP 18 Li 5,2 AS-AS) (Rating: 5)

Boys and Girls,
Why do I keep getting sucked in by everyone elses phobia about shekel scrounging.
Again, to what initially appeared to be my demise, I chose the cheaper option and purchased a Fe$tool Cordless Plunge Cut Saw "skin",
as I already had a couple of Fe$tool 18V batteries and charger under my belt.
I also recently purchased a basic, but "Bluetoothable" Fe$tool CTM36E dusty, and upgraded it with the Bluetooth function/feature after reading  ic3ss's great review of the Festool CT-F Bluetooth remote for CT Vac...
Well be buggered, I did some reading (UGH!) and discovered the benefits of Fe$tool's Bluetooth Batteries which automatically activates my Fe$tool dusty as soon as a cordless Fe$tool is powered on using one of their Bluetooth batteries… can be an oopsie if the dusty is not attached (or attached to another tool).
Nevertheless, after digesting the specs, I was glad I only purchased the Fe$tool Saw "skin" as their kit was packaged with lower spec'd batteries and charger… which would surely be redundant when I eventually would have upgraded.
I also purchased the "Airstream" battery charger (pic #3) that is supposed to produce a quicker charge using non-polluting clean electricity (fed by my solar).
The saw required 2 batteries
to function at full power… but that's another review.
Is this feature necessary… not if you're paying the mortgage of a beach house or planning a 30 day, all inclusive, family vacation around Europe when every shekel needs to accounted for… however, if you like the convenience of a smooth running workshop, it is a handy addition and will pay dividends in self-gratification.
I appreciate that many LJ'ers  frown upon Fe$tool equipment and their cost, and quickly tag owners as RFs, however, I decided to post this review more so to highlight the benefit/convenience of Bluetooth batteries in case other manufacturers decide to get out of the ice age and include the technology into their respective product lines.
While I could write a monumental review about my Fe$tool Cordless Plunge Cut Saw, I feel that I'd be wasting my time preaching to the convertless heathens that believe anything green should only be under the tyres of a 4WD.
Keep safe, jocks... and your jocks, safe!
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO The End OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------


Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

duckie let me be the first to say, spend your hard earnd money anyway you want. and anyone that doesn't like it can go get f@#ked ! yeah i said it and ill live by it !  what is quality and something you like is crap to some other asshole  person is their issue !!! duckling i dont agree with everything you say but i agree with your right to do and buy what you feel is right for you !!!! now lets move on ! 😎

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks Pottzy, but don't get me wrong... no one has had a go at me other you bums jealous of my NASA subsidy.

You know me, I speak in tongues... duck tongues... 

All I'm trying to say is that there are many Fe$tool owners out there that dont own up for fear of criticism for fear of being tagged a RF.  When/where I worked, most of my co-workers always cried poor but drove the latest cars, lived in  big mansions and went OS for their 4 weeks of annual leave.

My intention is to make those unaware of BT, what I found useful and if they do own/consider a Fe$tool vac, keep in mind how they can extend their "comfort"

Nevertheless, try as hard as you might... you'll never get me to buy any classy vino!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nice haul ducky!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".