Craftisian Blogs

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[woodworking-winter-2022-fb-cover.png] Our Winter 2022 Craftisian Woodworking Awards are over and we ended up with 15 entries and 14 votes cast. I...
We have a new design of the member cards on the Members pages. It is now consistent with the member cards on the projects and other posts. It doesn...
Collecting of a project is now integrated directly on the project page. The intermediary page has been removed and you can open your collections me...
Boys and Girls, This article has been transferred from a LJ project I posted back in 24th. Sep 2017. If you’re not too fond of reading, I have made...
My plan is to have a unique bottom cover design for each of the pendant lamps, and the for the first one I used an "atomic age" motif. Perhaps fitt...
With the veneer strips adjusted so they formed loops as close to circular as possible (by eye), I scored the ends where they overlapped on either s...
I'm still just dry fitting here in order to see how things would look with a light inside. [20200118-IMG_3418.jpg] The original plan was to mount t...
Like the spiral pendant, my plan is to use cherry for the ribs and top and bottom caps, anigre veneer, and a BBP ring as the base for the removable...
Boys and Girls, While wading through the members roll call, I noticed Keifer a long standing member. I considered one of his articles posted long a...
There's nothing much to see here.  With all the pieces sealed, the glue-up took all of 10 minutes. The roll of masking tape was the perfect size to...
Installing the veneer strips didn't quite go as planned. My initial idea was to apply a little contact cement to hold the overlapped end in place. ...
[woodworking-winter-2022-fb-cover.png] Craftisian Woodworking Awards - Winter 2022 Edition - entry period is over and we ended up with 15 entries....