Craftisian Blogs

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The strut edges receive a thumbnail detail on each long edge.  I used a 3/8" radius roundover bit in the router table and adjusted the bit height u...
Well, a mere 6 months after starting this series, I'm finally ready to wrap it up… So let's dive right in! When last I left off, I had finished re...
A friend of mine is in the process of going through, selling, and discarding everything from her grandparents’ “3 generation farm”. Can you imagi...
Boys and Girls   Now this is a tip that all you crusty old veterans will think is second nature, however, I can bet that many newbies (or lower ra...
Boys and Girls, I’m sure most well seasoned woodies will call this obvious, however, we must consider our novice ducklings.   SO…..   I’ve been ...
Boys and Girls,   Hands up all those people that haven’t used double sided tape… hmmm, as I look around in my office, I just don’t see any hands up...
We are reintroducing Member Spotlight - now with a cool Roll the Dice feature. Each day a new member (with at least 7 projects posted) is randomly ...
Just me blathering on about lousy plywood and how much it costs...
Boys and Girls,   Here I go again, echoing another one of my tips migrated from my Lumberjocks publication on 28th. Jan 2020.   Pick your 🏴‍☠️(pois...
Boys and Girls,   Another tip I published on LJ back in 9th. Oct, 2019.  To supplement it I created this video, It seemed to be relatively popul...
Boys and Girls,   Here we go with another LJ hint posted 18th. June, 2019 that I convinced myself to migrate here to Craftisian.    Yet again this ...
The term "slats" doesn't seem quite right.  Standards?  Pillars? Our Thanksgiving was shifted to Friday this year, so before all our guest arrived...