Hints and tips that some may not have heard of. #15: Funnel Vision.

Boys and Girls.
Another tip migrated across, that may save a few shekels for some.
It was first published at LJ on 28th, December, 2019. 

Now I'm not condoning alcohol abuse, as may be observed in the extract below, I'm posting this to provide for an abundant supply of disposable funnels in the workshop for paint, stains and finishes.
Boys and Girls.

A little gem from the annals of the black duck… just don't get the number of "n"s mixed up.

While I don't go out of my way to save just a few shekels, this little tip may save some, for those more frugal than me.

For Christmas, I wanted to make up a batch of Black Russians and I needed a funnel to guide my shaking hands to direct the liquid back into the bottles (after mixing). As my diet doesn't include paint encrusted funnels, I was in need of a clean one… and on one of those few days a year that all shops are closed.
What I have done is stockpiled some of these plastic cocktail glasses 
which cost something like $10 for 20 (may have been even cheaper) in my local BigW store (all you non-Aussies may need to Google). 

I toss away the base (red)
and just keep the top with the tip (green) cut off. I use a Japanese saw (tried others but I found the Jap saw did the neatest job) to cut off the sealed bottom and wiped away the plastic swarf, 
Quick wipe with a rag and I had a perfect clean functioning funnel 
to assist me in killing (apologies for the violence) more brain cells, 

 A duck doesn't live on vino alone!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Now that is one sharp idea, one that I will definitely use. Thanks for showing.  I also like your taste in booze. Mike 
wife was just complaining about losing a funnel in the kitchen.   Have to try this if we have any stemmed ware.
