Hints and tips that some may not have heard of. #16: Quick connect "Dusty" extraction.

Boys and Girls,
Another cheap, but non-Chinese, import from what was released on the 7th. January, 2020… sorry about the long winded date, but I just can’t handle the mm/dd format.
With my Dunny Ogre and this Pan Collar, you’d be forgiven to think I’m a plumber, but rest assured, I’m still the son of a Hungarian Fern Cutter.

While I didn't mention it below... this is better suited for flexible hoses... you'd need a hacksaw if you wanted to moved fixed ducting.
If you still have a thunder bunker,

you might just have to buy one/some, rather than canibalise the neighbours sewerage system. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Boys and Girls,

If you tend to share your 100mm diameter dust extraction between your machinery, you may find these 100mm DWV PVC Standard Pan Collar fitted at the action end of the hose handy.
and just slip over the 100mm "machinery" outlet,

and for the glassed brigade, a closer up peek,

You may need to "cheat",

with some cranky recalcitrants,
When you start with a new one,
you may need to use a bit of coaxing, but they will loosen up.
Afterwards, even as they loosen up, the suction will keep them attaches as they do a very good seal (arfarf..)…

I have all my extenders rigged with these suckers,

 For all you imperialists, feel free to skip back and substitute 4" for 100mm.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I have never seen anything like that in the states, at least not in the retail outlets.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

 commented about 6 hours ago
I have never seen anything like that in the states, at least not in the retail outlets.  

Dedicated plumbing/sewage departments.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Come on guys next time you visit take a peek at where the recycled food goes when you hit the eject button
Egad! there it is, unless of course its been nicked for the workshop, then in this dont do it until its been replaced or it will be a real fan job!
Very clever ! 

Regards Rob

I am sure Masters sells them!

Regards Rob

I checked with Google for "DWV PVC Standard Pan Collar" and all of the results appear to have *.au results or at least have AU addresses when you open them.  It does not look like it is available up above.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

But then again we use them in our toilets not our "bathrooms"!

Maybe us Aussies can recoup some of the extravagant postages we've paid from Yankeeland!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD