Mini Office Workbench #7: Preparing for the cookies


This is part 7 in a 13 part series: Mini Office Workbench

Boys and Girls,
The board has been dogged and it’s time for some “legs” to limp on.  As with the original, I’ve again decided to go down the cookie path.
I’ve never been one to go out of my way to save a few shekels, and this exercise goes to prove it as I chose to make my own.  
While I didn’t use my fine tuned JP,

when I considered time, resources and consumables, I reckon I could have bought a few sets of Rockler (or other brand) cookies for what these potentially cost.
On a chat with Ross Leidy’s GRR-Ripper style push block with retracting stop I was determined to come up with an alternative non-slip and finalised on this Anti-Slip Foam Matting from Clark Rubber
Also deciding on round cookies and not having a holesaw near the size of the Rockler cookie I purchased a 76mm TCT toothed saw blade,
I found that my laser performed exceptionally well to cut some 76mm dia. discs out of that foam matting.

If you want to watch my preparation



If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD