Blog Series


Part 1: Jig for corner keys

Since this seems to be the week for jigs, here’s one I made recently for corner keys in boxes and frames. There’s nothing fancy about it but it doe...

Oddites in wood

Part 1: odd wood grain, Knots or patterns

This is a scrap of Douglas Fir I was about to toss away when this caught my eye " A Bird " I did add the eye but other than that wow!

Work Bench Build

Part 14: Glue Up and Final Assembly

Well this is the day, the final assembly of the legs, the stretchers, and the bench top. We held a quick briefing and took note of the time. The gl...

Part 15: Update

Here’s another ten items finished, only about a dozen to go. Roubo Work Bench “to do,” list and, assembly order. ^ ^ equals completed work. ^ ^ ^ ^...

Part 16: Final Pictures

Well this will close up this blog on my journey building this Robou Hybid Workbench. When I started I wanted to be able to hold and clamp wood in o...

My Shop

1 entry

Part 1: Photos of my shop

I was asked to share photos of my shop. This will take a little while to gather photos up. I wish I could go out and take a few right now but unfor...

Coffe Table

6 entries

Part 4: Rib Cage Glue Up

In the previous installment of this blog, I left off with the ribs cut and pattern routed. It is time to glue them up. I decided that the first 5 r...

Part 5: Covering the rib cage with 1/4 " plywood

In my last blog on the coffee table, I had the rib cage all glued up. Right after that was done I moved to install the 1/4 inch plywood. This blog ...

Part 6: Installing the 1/8 Ply

In the 5th installment of this blog I glued up the 1/4 inch Ply. Now it’s time to install the 1/8 ply. I finally found a local source for bendy Ply...

Learning veneer

8 entries

Part 6: Problems Repair

I got some shop time last weekend and decided to do some more veneering. While working on my last panel for the veneer box, I messed up with the sc...

Part 7: Redo

In the last blog I was facing bubbles and a slew of problems. pictures of some problems below: I decided to rip it apart to find out the root cause...

Part 8: Veneer Box Top

The top, I thought should be better that the rest. I decided to attempt a compass star; I think that’s what it’s called. I took my last piece of 1/...

Old Tools, restoring/reworking

5 entries

Part 3: Millers Falls #9 Smoother

This one looked a a little worse than it than it really was, turns out it was a diamond in the rough. The iron and chip breaker still like new, the...

Part 4: Millers Falls No. 105 Single-speed hand drill

I think this drill was made in 1914 most of the paint/jappaning was missing from the frame but the main gear looked good. Here it is completely dis...

Part 5: Millers Falls No. 709

As received After taking it apart I realized this is another barely used tool. Although the iron had a couple chips in its edge, it was the origina...

$100 Christmas Giveaway 2014

Part 1: Announcement

Post any kind of your woodworking creation (+Add → New Creation) for a chance to win a $100 online gift card from your favorite online shop. RULES ...

Part 2: Only 2 Days Left

Post any kind of your woodworking creation (+Add → New Creation) for a chance to win a $100 online gift card from your favorite online shop. RULES ...

Part 3: And the Winner Is ...

Our 2014 Christmas Giveaway is over and it’s time to announce a lucky winner chosen at random from the authors of 107 creations posted during the e...

Crazy Stuff Stumpy Thinks About

Part 1: One man's artsy is another man's fartsy...

A closely watched internet auction ended this morning. And by closely watched, I mean a total of five people, including myself, noticed it a few mi...

Part 2: Black Friday 2014: The Legend of Pappy Nubs

As you know, Black Friday is a big event around the Stumpy Nubs Workshop. Every year we put on our parkas and confront the horrors that officially ...

WoodworkingWeb Awards: Jewelry Box

Part 2: Call for Entries

Entry period of the WoodworkingWeb Awards – Jewelry Box is now officially open and will close on October 24. Theme: Jewelry Box Golds and silvers, ...

Part 3: Cast Your Votes

Our Jewelry Box Awards entry period is over and we ended up with 18 amazing entries. Now it’s time to pick your top 5 list and cast your votes. Vot...

Part 4: And the Winners Are ...

Our third WoodworkingWeb awards are over and we ended with 18 beautiful entries. I would like to thank you all who participated either by submittin...