Simple Jigs and Techniques #6: Cheap DIY Veneer Press Screws


This is part 6 in a 6 part series: Simple Jigs and Techniques

  1. Veneer matching mirrors
  1. Modular Veneer Press Build
  2. Cheap DIY Veneer Press Screws

When I decided to revamp my old veneer press in my Green Valley shop I decided to try something I have been thinking about for a while now. I remember looking at the $6, eight Inch “C” clamps at HF and wondering how hard it would be to turn one into a veneer press screw. …………………. Well it turns out, ….. NOT HARD AT ALL.

Here’s a real one beside the HF “C” clamp. The threads are a little slower but not much, the length is the same and the ends are different. This was actually my first prototype and was a 6" clamp.

This one shows what you have when you cut the “nut” off of the clamp and grind the ball off one end of the handle to facilitate installation of the screw in the press.

I bought a couple of square U bolts and cut them in half to make speed handles.

It turns out that the sloppy 5/16" hole is a perfect fit for a 3/8" tap.

….. and voila you have a veneer press screw.

I did a blog on building these into a press here.

And, as an added bonus if you make one today, we’ll give you absolutely FREE, a solid steel bench holdfast. (wedge not included)

Thanks for looking in


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Nobody’s going to take you seriously if you don’t include the wedge! ;-)

Losing fingers since 1969

Sorry, the free bench hold down is from HF, not me. I have no control over the offer. :-)

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.


You have such good ideas for improvising and saving money. Thanks for sharing.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

At first I thought you welded the handles.
Now I see how it’s done.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Great post..thanks, Paul!

Might As Well Dance :

Well thought out Paul. A clever way to get those press screws down to a reasonable price without too much extra effort. I will keep this in mind when and if my jack press needs replacing. Those ‘c’ clamps could also be used as a more conventional bench holdfast by cutting off the clamp pad part on the bottom and grinding the remaining vertical part to fit dog holes in a bench (I think).

Mike, an American living in Norway