Gut Shop Reorganization #9: Superior dust collection


This is part 9 in a 10 part series: Gut Shop Reorganization

  1. Preliminary ideas
  1. Drawers done
  2. Superior dust collection
  3. flip top drill press

I have an old delta contractor saw. Underneath was a pan tilted about 45° to the back to let the dust drop and sort of keep it away from the front where you stand. It made a huge mess every time it was used so I put plywood sides on it and stuck a vacuum hose inside. It kept the dust off the floor but it would fill right up to the top if I didn’t clean it. It didn’t remove much dust.

Today I made a pyramid, turned it upside down and put the vacuum hose at the bottom. I didn’t have much time to test it but it seems to work pretty well. I got the angles for the pyramid from one of those online compound angle calculators. As a pyramid wood working project it’s not much to look at and I had a heck of a time cutting the pieces, but they went together well enough to serve its purpose.

Losing fingers since 1969

Well done!!!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Actions count! Looks good. Reminds me that I have to get one under my old Delta!

It works great! I used it last night after I posted and there were no piles at all.

Craig, except for the trouble I had cutting the pyramid pieces, the hardest part was getting rid of that tray. I had to set the saw on a saw horse, get it off the floor and disassemble one of the legs. It won’t come out any other way. But I finally got it out and the legs back on. The tray is a structural part of the base so you’re going to have to replace the support it gives front to back with a piece of plywood or something. I left one of my plywood sides on. Tonight I’ll throw a 2by across the other side just to be safe.

Losing fingers since 1969

One more thing I should have done was change the layout of the PVC pipe for the vac connection. It’s a back breaker the way it is. I just reused what I had before, but before it was in a different place that wasn’t such a pain to get to.

Losing fingers since 1969

Very very nice. Dust sucks. Good job. I bet you’re one happy woodworker!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"


Keith "Shin" Schindler

My pictures don’t show it, but the back is completely open. I could not figure out a simple way of closing it, as you describe. But it still works great. I suppose the blade pushes most of the dust toward the front, or straight down, which accounts for that.

Losing fingers since 1969