Surf Fishing Plugs #14: How to fit 10 lbs of beef in a 5 lb bag


This is part 14 in a 14 part series: Surf Fishing Plugs

  1. First batch
  1. Super sinker popper
  2. How to fit 10 lbs of beef in a 5 lb bag

I haven’t kept this blog up even though I’ve made a bunch of lures. I figured this one is interesting enough to warrant an entry.

I wanted a very, very large bait and I have made a couple of 12"+ lures but they all had one issue in common: they don’t fit in my bag. Surf bags have tubes that you dangle the lures in. The tubes in my bag are plastic and rectangular shaped, about 1-1/2″ × 2-1/4″ × 8-3/4". The height in particular is the limiting factor. I can’t close the bag if something sticks out of the top more than about 3/4". So I wanted to make sure my extra large bait would somehow fit. I came up with a few ideas for a 2 piece lure that would be assembled together on the beach but none of those ideas seemed sturdy or u was afraid it would come apart or whatever. Simply bad engineering. Then I had a brainstorm: a double jointed lure, joined in the center that would allow it to fold in half. And now it fits. And this is how you fit 10 lbs of beef into a 5 lb bag.

20" in full regalia and weighs in at a svelt 5 oz. It’s a bit over the casting weight limit of my rod, so it gets lobbed, although it is tail weighted, so with the right rod, this should be an excellent caster.

The tail hook feathers are gull feathers I picked up off the beach. That should bring some good luck, I think.

No one on the salt water fishing website I belong to has ever seen anything like it, so I do believe it’s an original idea.

Because of the weight and casting limits, I doubt it will see much use, but it has great potential on a new moon. :-)

Losing fingers since 1969

What do you want to catch with a 12" lure? You will need a pick-up truck to get it out of the water.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

:-) that’s the whole idea!!! A 50 lb striped bass would be nice. The mouth is so large it could inhale a 12" lure sideways. She’s going to have to work for a 20" meal. :-)

Losing fingers since 1969

Gooduck with that Brian. Is that something that could be patented?


I don’t think any wood plug could be patented. In fact, I don’t think any lure maker patents anything. These things go in and out of fashion. And the wooden ones are basically timeless designs. Nothing new has been invented in years. Also, very few people would be crazy enough to buy a lure like this monster. ;-)

Got a nice one this morning. Not on this lure. About 15 lbs.

Losing fingers since 1969

A lot of guys do catch and release. They call it CPR (catch photo release). I release most and I would release all except my wife wants them. They are tastey so I don’t object too strenuously. I have a friend big into sharks and rays. He took a ray home once and filled his freezer with it. I prefer the hunt and the fight with bass and bluefish. I guess it’s a lot like fly fishing trout in that regard, just everything is more extreme. If I didn’t live near the ocean, I would probably fly fish.

Losing fingers since 1969

If you took the b out of Bass you would be describing the US House and Senate,.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

I’d love to hunt them down too.

Losing fingers since 1969

Drill a hole in a penny. Slip it over a 10/0 circle hook. Catch every cast.

Losing fingers since 1969