Commented on Crank and pushers for saw mill
Replied on Rich's Rumpus Room
Commented on Specialty card box
Replied on Rich's Rumpus Room
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on Boxelder bowl
Commented on EDOG 2.0
Commented on Ornamental Bird Houses
Commented on Salt & Pepper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Commented on Pencil Cup
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Commented on Salt & Pepper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Commented on Router Plane - Paul Sellers Kit
Commented on Live edge bowl
Replied on Surprise swap
Commented on Marble wars up grade
Commented on anvil click pen
Commented on Birdhouse
Commented on Live edge bowl
Commented on Fund Raiser for Local Community Club
Commented on The Open box
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on *** SHOW ME YOUR DOG AND CAT ***
Replied on BBQ/Grilling/Smoking/Griddling etc.
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on Surprise swap
Replied on Recycle 1943
Started following Recycle 1943
Commented on shop bathroom upgrade
Commented on Curved Maple Coffee table
Commented on guitar cutting board
Commented on Rounding Plane
Commented on Hanging Tool Cabinet
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Commented on Pencil Cup
Commented on Open Box lid
Commented on Man lamp
Commented on JEWELLERY BOX
Commented on Sawbench/Mini Workbench
Collected Sawbench/Mini Workbench
Commented on Rounding Plane
Started following Carey Mitchell
Commented on Cellarette
Commented on Birdhouse
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on Pencil Cup
Replied on Surprise swap
Commented on Sawbench/Mini Workbench #5: Finish
Commented on Sawbench/Mini Workbench #4: Wagon Vice
Commented on Sawbench/Mini Workbench #3: Rounding Plane
Commented on Sawbench/Mini Workbench #1: Legs
Replied on show us your workbench
Commented on 2nd iteration of this multi-sided box
Replied on *** SHOW ME YOUR DOG AND CAT ***
Commented on shop bathroom upgrade
Commented on Salt & Peper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Commented on A shooting plane refurb
Commented on Pencil Cup
Replied on show us your workbench
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Commented on Dining Room Table - with Butterfly Leafs
Replied on show us your workbench
Commented on Coffee Grinders (Round II)
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Commented on Salt & Peper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Commented on Salt & Peper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Commented on Salt & Peper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Commented on Coffee Grinders (Round II)
Commented on 4' Pencil Well
Commented on Salt & Peper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on Oak Compass
Commented on Pencil Cup
Commented on Pencil Cup
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Posted a new project Pencil Cup
Replied on BBQ/Grilling/Smoking/Griddling etc.
Commented on Potpourri Bowls
Commented on 4' Pencil Well
Commented on Coffee Grinders (Round II)
Commented on Salt & Peper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Posted a new project Potpourri Bowls
Posted a new project Coffee Grinders (Round II)
Posted a new project Salt & Peper with Napkin Holder & Toothpick Holder
Commented on shop bathroom upgrade
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Replied on pottz patio and garden
Commented on /r/Woodworking Discord Box Contest
Replied on EASTER
Commented on Second of three
Commented on Oak Compass