It worked good over there So I thought it might work out good here If you don't approve Martin just delete it Please post pictures of your Doggy , Kitty , Turtle . Alligator , Snake , Bunny you get the theme Looking forward to starting this thread on a nice forum :<))))))


1581 Replies

I loved this thread on the other site! Here's my buddy otis again. Sleeping as usual lol

Jerry-Holland Mi

This is our new home Tony might as well bring the furniture over with us. Let's not leave it behind
I'll play. Unfortunately, we went through a tough 2 years where we lost three of these guys. Only Britt, the tuxedo next to the woven basket, is still alive. 

Ivy, camouflaging herself while napping - 

Britt, hanging out on a low shelf - 

Jack, eyeing me with suspicion - 

And Lucy, finding a sunny spot amid the mess of toys - 

Yep that's a Siberian Husky at the beach. He loved it.
Not every day you see a Husky at the beach!

Main Street to the Mountains

Gone many years now, but this was my boy Jax. Helping in the shop…he liked sawdust…😢

From his younger, wilder days…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

thanks for helping me start this thread up again I don't mind seeing all of them again :<)))))))))


Daughter's Corgi Tegan.    Not sure a Corgi is really a dog.    Ms Barksalot.    All kinds of nonsense about Corgi's, Fairies riding them on Midsummers eve, etc.  She is 8 months old here.   


Sorry for the nudity...

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

🤣🤣🤣that's way my husband handles all dog washing!!!
kinda sexy bently..........i mean the cat -lol. thats how i wash the beagle,in the tub.she dont cry like that though.

love you started this here tony,ill post some of the beagle later.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

kinda sexy bently.......
Yeah,  a little  lot more than I cared to show,  but it is funny.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Thanks for opening this thread again GR8! 

Sophie and Gracie.

They are English Cream Golden Retrievers.....the original breed of Golden Retrievers....America is the only place with "Red" Golden Retrievers....We (America) made them red by breeding them with Irish Setters in the 30's.  While the AKC scoffs at this, they are truly a different breed then their Red cousins.  Just to look at them they are shorter and longer but less athletic. The parents of these dogs (different sets) came from the Ukraine and the other from Belfast area.  Gracie is 8 and Sophie is 2.  They are the best dogs I ever had...both gentle and kind, and way to smart for their own good.  Gracie has figured out how to trigger the ice maker in the refrigerator.  I always had little pools of water on the floor.....I have to turn it off after we are done.  They are now working the Amazon guy for treats, when he shows....When he comes, Sophie sits up and paws the air without making a sound. 


there gorgeous mike.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

by the way guys dogs are always welcome on pottz patio.

heres my sweet baby.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

The latest pet my daughter wanted
i could have swore that cat was yelling nooooooooooo LMAO :<))))))
I am happy i opened it up here also :<))


Hahaha Bently do you always shower with your hat on? That's not bad just complaining. At least you didn't get bit or scratched