Wood planes of all types, we don’t discriminate!

A thread for both experienced and newbie woody enthusiasts. I’ll post some examples in the next few hours.

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This is most of the woodies in my shop.

The wooden cases are my combination planes and my chute plane. The rest are T&G’s, chamfer, plow, moving fillester, door check, side beads, coffin smoothers, table joint, fenced kerfing, center bead, joint and jack planes, dovetail and so on.

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

I'm in TOF.

Always liked woodies, got a fairly random selection, with more plough planes than I need to be honest.
I'm Hand tools only and tend to use woodies over metal about half the time, not sure where infill's fit in 😀

Decided to try having a go at making some last year.
These are the ones I made last year

Couple of routers this year
Mike, beautiful work. I’ve only made one plane and it’s a kerfing plane.

This baby is an M Copeland Yankee type plow plane. The cutters are from Providence Tool Co. and are the correct cutters for the plow.

The plane was made near where we used to live in Western Mass, Huntington.

This set is referred to as Rule Joint planes or table joint planes. I like the fenced version since I still need training wheels! I’ve included samples to help explain their function.

I tend to buy interesting planes then figure out how to use them. When I can I look for planes made near my old home town.

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Two of my three made their way to Kevin's shop... I figured, if I was going get serious about making my own, I'd better get rid of the ones I had... That and Kev never got back to me about what Fales bases he was still looking for lol


Oops, my bad. I’ll check the sets I have. I think I have one center bead.

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

No worries, it was a potential idea for the secret Santa lol


oh boy two plane threads in a small town !!!!!

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I have a small line up of transitional planes if those count in this thread.  I'm very slowly working on building a matched set with "Bailey" cast in front of the knob.  
Awesome! I have no wooden planes, no because I don’t like them, I just haven’t found that I needed them yet! 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Sansoo’s got wood!

And yes I’ve decreed that transitionals are a member of our “flock”.

Ryan, ask as many questions as you want.

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

Maybe I should start with  couple cove or bead planes…I’ve got a no. 45 with a set of irons, but these would be different, obviously…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I’m trying to remember to take pictures of the wooden members of the flock, but I suspect it’s going to be a few days as I need to clear enough bench space to set them out. Plus, I often head out to the shop with three ideas in my head, and can only remember one when I get out there.

May you have the day you deserve!

Here’s one of not many trannys I have . This one is from Dave
I have been working on a cabinet to house plows, fillisters and moulding planes.  I had a friend who picked up some wide Douglas Fir and he gave me several boards.  The wood was from light poles at a football stadium that had been replaced by metal poles.

I had never cut dovetails on such large lumber and I was very pleased with how easy they were to do as opposed to the smaller projects (drawers, boxes etc.) that I do.

Kind of dusty, so you can see the need to enclose the planes.

Inside is the Christmas swap present from Don W.  

See a separate post to follow on that very interesting fellow.
Thanks to Don W. for a great Swap plane.

I can't quite figure this fellow out but in looking at Whelan, page 73, it seems that it is a PANEL FIELDING PLANE.  It has slide arms and no profile on the bottom.  It is designed to cut flat fields around a panel I guess.

I also cannot figure out if it is American or English. 

As a Georgia Bulldawg, I love this iron.  NIce logo with Bull Dog beneath it.
W. Beien & Co. 

I did an experiment with it when I first got it and was able to make a crude panel.  What I found was that you could use the knicker and start the process with a flat.  Then you needed to retract the knicker and you could slant the plane to get an angle.  If you did not retract the knicker, you tore up the edge as I did with a couple of the sides.

I will be more deliberate on the next panels and probably use a marking gauge to scribe a line for the depth of the cut on the edge of the board.

Inasmuch as these planes seem to be made for flat sides, I may just go with that.  I will make doors for the storage cabinet at some point.  Right now I have solid doors planed.

Can any of you fellow across the pond recognize this crown logo.  The owner's mark obscures it, but looks like a crown with some initials or other emblem beneath it.

I was thinking it was American, but the Crown and the Sheffield iron may mean it is English.

Also, why would you need the long arms.  Maybe you would make several passes on a large panel?
Thats a cool looking plane. Nice dovetails to RWE
To think I'm plain and not plane, but I've still managed to amass a few non-vintage wooden eye

I used a lot before I set up my downtown Churchill workshop, but then I got a thicknesser, drum sander and my ROTEX, and they just gathered dust (not saw),

in the drawer.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nice thread, kevin! I'll just leave this here for now...


Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Damn…is that a complete set of Hollows and Rounds?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".