That Woke Mental Illness Seems to Have Invaded a Site I Belonged to For Years

What the hell is wrong with the people at the jockstrap place?

I've had trouble getting on several times. Recently, got knocked off because of a Bill Gates of Hell (MS] issue. Tried to log back in and it says I'm banned. No stated reason, just banned.

Then there is that I've been called a liar and everything in the book for, for example, saying I've used other than Cactus Juice to stabilize wood. The ass, with ZERO first hand experience in the issue, is still saintly in moderator's limited minds.

That is the kind of thing that makes someone want to go to war (electronically speaking). 

No wonder they're bleeding old timers.

44 Replies

i assume your talking about LJ'S ? i wont comment until you confirm !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Never thought of it as Lumber Jocks-strap. I'm thinking that is the deal though. Funny name flip. :-)
So they banned you when you didn't do anything?
Kelly, what was your handle over there?  

John Smith is the cancer over there.  He inflicts his puritan values on everyone else with no one overseeing what he does.  He went out of his way to threaten me with banning via PM because I hang out over here .  Even after I sent a copy of the PM to Cricket she didn't care so as long as he is a moderator, I won't post anything over there unless someone specifically asks me a question.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

I've ran under a few monikers over the -last few years, because the site programing, or moderator(s) wouldn't let me in.  The latest, which I didn't care for, was KelVanCra or something like that. In the past, I used one I'd used since before the Matrix, Dejure.

I couldn't get in using Brave or Foxfire, so I don't suspect the browser.  

Smith contacted me to inform me I had two accounts.  I wasn't aware. LJ isn't important enough to be a primary focus, so I got back in however I could, so it may be I did create two. Apparently, that's full on evil.  

The pisser is, I have a lot of projects and posts over a whole lot of years, and too many are no longer tied to me. I guess that's a good reason to insert a unique tag on all posts.

it was funny when he banned me again and said he was gonna get all my little buddies too ! so he's going after people with a vengeance just because they associate with someone or are posting here. is that the kind of person that should be a moderator ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz, if you still have that banning notice, PM it to me.  When I finally decide to go down in flames, it will be a post that lists all of the threats he has made about his vendetta he has for anyone who thinks he is an ass.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

I haven’t gone over there in months and months and month. I pulled as much of my stuff off as I could after it changed and started being an issue. I guess it’s just a sign of the digital age that arbitrarily imposed values are allowed on a public site. I even paid to subscribe there because I wanted to support it. Asked for my money back and they did it without question. I don’t find a need to visit, so I don’t. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

just sent it to you. here it is.

Oops! We ran into some problems.

 You have been banned for the following reason: Eventually, you will just give up . . . .and your little buddies toooooo. You will now be logged out. Refresh the page to log into a valid account.

so does he mean he's gonna get everyone that came here and still posts there ? judging by kellys experience and others, id say so. 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz, if you still have that banning notice, PM it to me

Nathan - I just sent you a PM with my two prize banning notices.  "And your little buddies are next."

“Fake quotes will ruin the internet” — Benjamin Franklin

Every once in a while I sign in, just to check. I can always sign in using the single account that used when I went there. The Real Steve N one. SteveN had been my forum user name forever, and when I tried using it when I first went there it was taken,, by a real SteveN I know from Alabama, so in case he still went, I tried TheRealSteveN just to mess with him.

It's possible I have been identified as a rabble rouser too, but the VPN keeps me from being locked onto?. Anyhow I can sign in, and before I left I threw enough digs at the Ladybug, and her support of that POS software they threw at us, that she warned me, but seemingly never banned me. As for identifying peeps, your IP address, unless you have a good VPN is static, so that is all they need to block. You could change user name every 5 minutes, but your identity is you IP Addy. 
It's happened to me once or twice,  probably mostly deserved. There were/are some real idiots over there. They don't like confrontation when someone posts something that is wrong. 

Oops! We ran into some problems.

You have been banned for the following reason: Continually Stirring Up Trouble.. You will now be logged out. Refresh the page to log into a valid account.

Oops! We ran into some problems.

You have been banned for the following reason: Duplicate Profile with "LeeRoyMan" (351923) DO NOT LIFT THIS BAN !!!!. You will now be logged out. Refresh the page to log into a valid account.

This one (below) was after I asked Little John to delete my account,  he said he couldn't, so I sent him a PM,  found out that he really could.

Oops! We ran into some problems.

You have been banned for the following reason: Sending nasty PMs to members - do NOT lift the ban on this guy. He has multiple accounts.. You will now be logged out. Refresh the page to log into a valid account.

I still have accounts (yes plural) over there, but little Johnny can't find them   lol

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

damn bent you were a real bad ass ! i couldn't keep up with all your aliases. i can only imagine how many scoldings and warnings you had ? i found it kinda fun seeing how far i could push it. the last ban i pushed it knowing i was done. i just told her off late one night so i knew it would stick until the next day and everyone would see it. i think it was about 9am and she finally removed it.
edit- that was on my account the one that just happened was my sons. i told him it could happen, he said no big deal, he never used it anymore.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

i say take him to the train station ! if your a yellowstone fan you know what im talkin about ! big john is not the kind of man that would ever wear the brand ! suck asses dont commit to anything except the ass their kissin !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

There are thousands of sites I don't visit - LJs is just another one of them. I would really like to remove my content but no one could find it anyway.
 LJ Who?????  They are dead to me.  I don't deal with amateurs with a tiny amount of authority and lets it go their head.
In my LE career I had to "tame" the rookies in their Field appears as if he has no one he is responsible to. He would not have passed any Field  Training I know of.......

I am sure he is proud he has "cleaned" up the reality he took a once great site and destroyed it.


pretty much mike, most of the best guys are all here now.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Mike, the "title" thing gets to many folks' heads.  When I started at the steel mill, it had only been opened for just under two years but was already on their third plant manager.  He was a young kid, turned 24 a few months after I started (they wouldn't pay proper manager wages to a qualified manager) and he liked to throw his weight around.  This was quickly defused when he would come around huffing and puffing, I would ask his opinion on something technical, way over his head and he would have suggestions consistently to the contrary of common sense.  I would often follow up in an email confirming the direction of the (wrong) course of action for the sake of record keeping.  I never followed his suggestions as it would put the line down killing overtime for those working in the trenches.  That would be doing them a true disservice as overtime is the only place money was to be made as line workers were only paid squat.
For me it's not anything the bug lady or John did. I dislike her, and her BS more than anything John ever did to me, but both of them are just bitches to their employer, some F'd up sshitware company, that thinks their brand of garbage was the best, and it is quite possibly the worst.

I know for one, I wanted to be gone, simply because of their fixing something I never saw a problem with, well at least until they fixed it, errr broke it.