FOOD!!!! Or what's for Dinner

I have been dropping plain Jane food bombs into Pottzies immaculate thread, BBQ/Grilling/Smoking/Griddling etc. for a long time. I wish I lived in a Garden paradise like he does where the temps hardly ever go below 65 degrees, but back here in the Middle, and many other areas a lot of us, who love to grill, just get chased out of that outdoor Kitchen. So ya gotta eat, so we turn to our indoor kitchens, and use those things called Ovens, and Stoves to make our food, plus a lot of small appliances. Rich also has a great thread Food Hacks but that thread is a lot more specialized than what I have in mind. It is about special things to get something done, specific tricks of the trade so to speak.

My thought is at least some of us like food a LOT, and we talk about eating while drinking, and to sustain us when we are woodworking. I imagine though I don't usually do them, but our Brethren who do metalworking, leather. sewing, basketmaking, and all other hand crafts areas also like to eat.

Lets make this a place to talk about it, show others pics of what we enjoyed, and celebrate food, be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a good old snack.

Last night I was stumped on what to make for dinner. I had some shaved Sirloin, and there are always Onions, Peppers, Garlic, cheese and other staples, so my lovely Wife rounded up some buns, and we were making steak subs. I chopped a bunch of veggies up, and got them softened, pulled em out, and added the meat to brown up, then dumped the rest in, added some chopped up Jalepenos, and some Garlic.

Some buns, a slash of Dukes Mayo, and cheese of our choice. I went Pepper Jack, she went Provolone. She isn't a Mayo fan, I love me some Dukes. I also added some additional Jalapeño's. , then ya dump on some meat, and veggie mix, and eat.

I was gonna grab a beer, but of late my dizzies have been overactive with my slow heartbeat, so I just did a Diet Coke. 


595 Replies

looks good george.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Looks great! I’m not a mayo fan either unless it’s homemade (which is stupid easy). The store bought stuff leaves a film in my mouth. 😟

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Ryan, have you had Dukes? Hellmans does that film thing to me, and stuff like Miracle Whipper is just wrong. I always think plastics, and fissionable materials are involved in it's making. 

Eating leftovers tonight, Some Spaghetti with meat sauce, and we did the Lemon Chicken we like with Garlic the other day, so an Italian Smorgasboard kinda thing. Some Italian Bread, and a little Garlic butta, maybe a salad. I did medical stuff all day long, and am tuckered out from the running around. 
Eggs & biscuits for supper tonight.
I love Breakfast for supper. I'm partial to Grits, and something when I do, but hey Sausage and Pancakes works as well. Biscuits and most anything work, almost any hour of the day. :-)

My wife is currently chewing up almost ALL of the Lemon Chicken, so it looks like I get the spaghetti and meat sauce, It is very good, and being leftovers it has had plenty of time to marinate. I believe anything with a Tomato based sauce only gets better with time. :-) 

Diving in......

I hope everyone gets a dinner as tasty as Yeti and I are having.
Never had Dukes. But it’s so easy to make it we just always make it. And there’s about a million things you can add to make sauces other than mayo from…mayo. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

george i just gotta ask man !  should you be eating this kinda food with all your medical issues ? i luv bud so im concerned ! hell i probably shouldn't eat this stuff myself, but damn it's good !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

hell i probably shouldn't eat this stuff myself, but damn it's good !
Larry, that probably applies to the majority of folks here.  It really doesn't matter how old you are or what kind of shape you're in, good food tastes better.  Those who eat bland, healthy food all the time still suffer a 100% mortality rate.
Last night I made mega nachos.  I've made them a few times now and had to buy a roaster pan just to fit everything.  Not healthy at all but yummm.
oh shit .................................yeti why do you torture me man !!!!!!!

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Appreciate the concern Larry. All of my medical indicators suggest I am eating a healthy diet. I take the food pyramid seriously and take foods daily from all of it's groups in the correct amounts. My fats and lipids are at an all time low, compared to when I had my open heart surgery, also compared to most people, and my A1c is in the low 6's. Non Diabetics run 4 to 6, and my highest of the last few years was 6.4. Sometimes in the Summer, when it's warmer and I am more active outdoors I sneak into the 5's. I try to stick with the "all things in moderation" school of thought. If you were to describe my diet, it would look like the Mediterranean diet most closely. Fruits, Veggies, Nuts and Olives with some meat around the edges. Probably my plate pictures look HUGE, but I never clean a plate, and I slide the leftovers into a container, and finish them in the next few days

We ate leftover Lemon Chicken for dinner. I'm like Wade Boggs, and eat Chicken in some form almost every day. Sunday is Steak night, almost always leaner Filets. Pork is one place where I might eat too many fats, but we always try to precede it, and follow it with fish or chicken to take the edge off. Most weeks in mid week I'll make something else with red meat, but never more than 3 nights a week. Lunches are usually salads, or veggie based. I do admit to eating some eggs, that and pork are my weakest spots. We just had Donut breakfast the other day. That happens every 6 to 8 weeks. My Wife keeps count of that, or God help me I could eat Donuts, and Cookies every day, Freeeking sweet tooth. ^$$^*#%@$

Now if I do have an issue with food, it's I really do like to eat, and probably eat more than I should. This is noted on the scale. I, like most of the US population could loose a few pounds. Since my heart surgery I am down over 80 pounds though. That was 2013. The cath I just had said my pipes are clean, my pump is strong, with good valves, so I have a good heart now, it's just being beset by wonky electrical surges. I think I'm going to end up with a pacemaker.

Yeti, those Nachos look tasty
My food issue is, and always has been, over eating. I don’t snack all the time, but meals are huge. I’ve tried really hard to cut that back over time and have been more successful as I get older (maybe more discipline?). Something I have to constantly work on. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

same here, i tend to over eat. i just hate to see any food go to waste. we eat a lot of chicken also, so many ways to cook it. id love to eat fish a couple times a week but the wife doesn't care for it. i need to start changing my diet before it changes me, if ya know what i mean !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Larry I am living that very thought, and much like smoking. Doing either to abuse when you are still young and healthy is something most do. Problem with both is the real toll they extract doesn't come when you are young and healthy, you are older, and all of a sudden it all moves back in on ya, and literally kicks your buttocks. I wish I could get a do-over with my much smarter, and understanding self.

As I was puffing away back then I can't tell you the number of times I shook my head and said, I don't really think everyone has issues with breath, breathing, your lungs, and this smoking stuff. After having just played Racketball for 5 hours straight, and never having drawn a troubled breath. Can't hardly go up one flight of stairs now, without huffing and puffing. Yeah I would like a do-over.

Ryan, being a Diabetic I am supposed to eat SEVERAL small meals a day. I just never had that much extra time slots available, and have always eaten twice a day. But I am like a Camel about to cross the desert, taking it on big time for the road ahead. Both eating, and drinking fluids (not just alcohol) I put it away when I have the time slot for it, but alas just 2 a day.
yeah same i eat two meals a day. but supposedly you should have a light breakfast then a snack around 10am then a lunch at noon followed by another snack at 3pm followed by dinner at 6pm ! aint never gonna happen with me at least. ill just deal with whatever the hell comes my way i guess !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Hell, I worked for a living. I never would have gotten much done if I needed to stop all those times to eat. :-)))))

I understand what yer saying though. I had a Diabetic Doc quit me, because I couldn't eat like that. He was an old fool anyway. 
This past week, we ate a lot of already cooked food. Had a massive cooking the weekend before, and cleaned out a lot of frozen stuff we had put away, so not a lot for pretty pics. This coming week I imagine we will be cooking a bit, but for tonight as of yet I have no ideas.

Gonna thaw some chicken, feeling chicken something is coming????
Thinking a frozen pizza is gonna be it tonight. We went through quite a few a while back, and these RAOs pizza's and the sauces too, are pretty good, if you aren't rolling your own. No food thoughts coming through. SO I do have thawed chicken, just no ummmph as to what to do with it. Bummer, hope this passes quickly, food depression?
the only bummer for me is when the wife gets food depression, meaning she doesn't feel like cooking 😂

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I think I am there right now Larry. Sad to think I wouldn't want to cook something, but I'm still coming up blank.

We did RAO's pizza last night, and though it wasn't a real pie from a fine maker, it wasn't as bad as some of the ones people spend a lot more $$$$ from some of the crappy chains that make pizza like cardboard discs. You know, the ones that spend zillions of $$$$ on advertising, or have really TALL spokespeople. 
i didn't know RAO's made pizza. george if ya like lasagna but dont wanna spend the time it takes to do it try RANA's meat lasagna. i get it at sams club. it's loaded with sausage and the best store bought ive ever tried. it's not frozen either. 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.