May God bless our heros !!!!!

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

18 Replies

It's gone past the "official" Memorial day, but at our place every day we are free, is both Veterans day, and Memorial day.

I cannot thank our vets enough. Alive or past, they have my respect. 
Absolutely 💯 sir. 
We will remember them, Lest we forget 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Well said George West


My gratitude to all veterans, my deepest respect to those who gave all for others.
🙏  AMEN  🙏


Honor to all that have given the ultimate sacrifice.

Main Street to the Mountains

With much gratitude. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Thanks Pottz for posting this. My dad was a WWII vet. Now our military is going woke and lacking recruits while  China is growing more powerful and drag Queen shows are hosted on our bases. I’m sure we fought a war to rid our selves of tyrant Kings and “Queens”. 

James McIntyre

I too, want to thank the "great Generation" for saving our freedom for us.  I  also have to thank all Veterans for serving us, before and after WW2.  It is just that in WW2 it was not just the people fighting overseas, it was all the women and men that could not go to war, that pulled together to produce the weapons and supplies that the troops needed.  America did not have the best weapons, the Germans invented  and used many things that we still use today.  They invented camo clothing, assault rifles,  the autobonn (Interstate) , and they had superior tanks, and in some cases planes.  But we had quantity.  The Sherman tank was one of least most effective on the battlefield, but we had an endless supply of them thanks to everyone pitching and doing their part.  And as a result it played a huge part of winning the war.  I fear that if anything of those proportions happened today, we would not have that drive to help and win....While there are still many many great soldiers, sailors and marines....there are too many that feel they are the victim of this of that....I hope I am wrong, but feel I am not. 


sadly i feel your right mike. todays generations feels there owed something. the young kids that work for me constantly complain they cant afford this or that. most when offered overtime would rather just go home and play video games. i know it's hard to afford a home these days,especially here in socal but complaining and pisses life away sure wont help ? my lead warehouse guy asked the one kid why he has never asked me for a raise. he said because id expect him to do more 🤨

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Moke most things are made in China. I don’t think we can fire up new factories to build the things we need in time to defend ourselves and China knows  this. Lets Go Brandon!

James McIntyre

Thanks Pottz for posting this. My dad was a WWII vet. Now our military is going woke and lacking recruits while  China is growing more powerful and drag Queen shows are hosted on our bases. I’m sure we fought a war to rid our selves of tyrant Kings and “Queens”.

James, we are most certainly caught in the swirl as we are going down the drain. I owe it all to too much FREEE!!!!! Not freedom mind you, free this, that, and stuff, that has taken all of their respect away. Leaves them with no pride, or sense of making anything of their lives. Shoot a Lert, America does not need more Lerts.

Dad, and all Uncles and 2 Aunts served in WWII, Seems we have lived the same upbringing.

Lets Go Brandon!

Anything I write below to defend that pic, will label me a radical, and this is also what is wrong. Having a POV is only valid if it agrees with one political branch. 

 my lead warehouse guy asked the one kid why he has never asked me for a raise. he said because id expect him to do more 🤨

If the kid does anything at all, then sounds like he is paid the correct amount.
I couldn't agree more with all these postings....especially James.  What if we do go to was with China, do we ask them to produce the items we need?  LOL


I don't like the political crap, but I agree with all the other posts. My father carried home some mementos of the war in his back. I pulled out a sliver of metal from his back for him when I was about 15 years old, 22 years after the war was over. That's how long it took to work it's way to the surface.
We are even dumb enough to let china manufacture some of our medicines. WTF is up with that? I found this on the web.
What medicines does the U.S. get from China?
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, China now accounts for 95 percent of imports of ibuprofen, 91 percent of imports of hydrocortisone, 70 percent of imports of acetaminophen, 40 to 45 percent of imports of penicillin, and 40 percent of imports of heparin.Jan 9, 2023

Nearly 8 out of 10 medications have some component made in China, including chemotherapy drugs, birth control pills, antidepressants and psychotherapeutics, anti-seizure meds for epilepsy; over-the-counter pain pills and vitamins, and medicines to treat Alzheimer's Disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and Parkinson's.Sep 28, 2022

.................. John D....................

i just hope im long when 💩 hits the fan, and it's gonna be a big mess !!!!

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Glad I don't take any meds. 

Main Street to the Mountains