Taylor Toolworks 123 Block Attachment Hardware Kit


123 Block Attachment Hardware Kit.

Boys and Girls,

Disclaimer, take as gospel that there is no intention to sell the 123 blocks, but the hardware from TT,

While not trying to tout the benefits of the 123 Blocks, as those suckers are imperial… I did get sucked in by the sales pitch… till I received mine and hit it with my metric tape measure which threw a wobbly.
Just be aware that you get a pair of the blocks, which I didn’t realise as I missed reading the fine print so I now have 4 x 3” blocks which gives me one sore foot (12”)… which resulting snafu, became a minor unsnafu (more on this later).

Needless to say that if you have a set, or plan to purchase a set (lot of people swear by them, rather than like me… at them)... take note of these items from Taylor Toolworks, that most sane people would just gloss over. If you have the blocks, the few shekels for these are well worth it.
They (Taylor’s)have a knack for making “usefull” tools  “usefuller”.

While they initially may seem a wasted investment, they can finish up with the most diversified uses you could never imagine, as long as you don’t just lock them up in some drawer.
This kit permits combining multiple blocks into a solid mixed configuration for whatever use you may find,

I happen to use this configuration for puzzle box glue ups,
 The beauty of this setup is that when the CA squeezes out, it used to bugger up my timber alignment jigs… the CA still sticks to the stainless 123s, however it is easier to scrape clean, 
without compromising the blocks like the timber ones. 

While some of the holes in the 123 are threaded 3/8”,

I found that when I passed a bolt through two the threads there was a gap when the blocks were aligned,

and they did not align when fully tightened,

if you opted for a zero gap between the two blocks.

This kit permits no gap connection, however, alignment depends on tightening the “loose fitting” hardware, so the two blocks need to be manually aligned properly before tightening.

Before yazall come back and inform me that you don’t want any imperial crap and prefer metric, be told it’s that horse that’s leading me to water… I’m at the bucket but haven’t drunk… at least not water… this messenger shoots back… albeit a rubber gun… repeater.

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Every so often I’m tempted to get the thread stock for that purpose, ducky. But I never do. Most of the stuff I build I’d a little too big to use them as jigs, but I like the idea for sure. Nice write up.

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I do like the setup potential for gluing, but I doubt I'd go through the motions being lazy and all.
Seems machinists love these and if I had a mill I'd be down for a set or two.

I have a drawer full of measuring doodads that seemed cool, but just never get used. These probably would get buried in there and I'd probably need to make a bigger drawer.
I absolutely love having 1-2-3 blocks available. Yeah, they were predominantly for my little mill, but I find I use them more often for instant references. Like if I’m trying to crosscut small stock on the TS and want to use the fence to set a repeatable length measurement. I can use the 1-2-3 as a known-offset from the fence. I register the workpiece against the 1-2-3 black (which is against the fence) then use the miter gauge to push it through the saw…the 1-2-3 block disengages from the workpiece before the cut so there’s no danger of binding against the fence and kicking back. Works like a charm for those type cuts. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".


... Like if I’m trying to crosscut small stock on the TS and want to use the fence to set a repeatable length measurement...
That was what sucked me inn from the start... not realising that imperial and metric on a metric scale just don't agree.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Interesting piece of equipment, which looks like an IKEA solution. I tried this once with my blocks but I don't think it worked because the outer holes are not 12.5 (Imperial 1/2") from the side.



.... are not 12.5 (Imperial 1/2") from the side.
Yeah, imperial should be wiped off the face of this earth... may be this time Donald Trump may do at least one thing right and make Yankeeland METRIC!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD