Festool VAC-SYS

Fe$tool VAC $YS.
Boys and Girls,
For the sake of this review,  I can only just (as in barely), justify a rating of “1*”, but that is because of its unavailability, combined with the asking price when it was available… however, ignoring those two kæviɑts I would rate it at a humble “5+*”…  You may guess I was impressed and not because of the badge.
While this is by far my favourite and most extravagant resource in my workshop, I was holding back posting it as they are no longer in production… not because they are no good, but because they are too pricey for the average woodworker…. Fortunately I don’t fall in that category as I am way below average.
After reading some of  the gems covered in DevinT’s Urban Ore blogs, I reconsidered as you may stumble across these while garage sale fossicking  in your neighbourhood.
Now I wouldn’t expect any sane,  living Fe$tool owner  or Craigs List to offer these at a reasonable price, however, if you blunder across a deceased estate where the unfortunate past owner lied about the cost to SWMBO, you may land a bargain at part of  the misquoted price.
I posted this at LJ on 20th Jan, 2021 when I heard rumours of its demise… which has certainly come into fruition since.
Happy fossicking!
------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Festool - SYS VAC VP, SE 1 & SE 2 (Rating: 5)
Boys and Girls,
I have been both lampooned and criticised in the past for my incestuous affair with Fe$tool and I don't even have shares in the company.
Not having noticed any mention of this system here at LJ, I can only assume no one owns the unit or are too ashamed to fess up to their capitalistic tendencies ("NASA laboratory") due to derision by other members.
Not wishing to disengage the more frugal members of Lumberjocks, I won't refer to them as conscientious penny-pinchers and try to present this review with the assumption that everyone has,
  • a bottomless wallet…
     - or -
  • a SWMBO with 100 pairs of shoes for only 2 feet. In fact, talking about feet, you need a big yard to store the shoes… thereby earning entitlement to quid pro quo benefits… and the POMs know the value of Quids.
Because of the price, a rating of  “3*” may be more appropriate, however, the “5*” rating is earned on functionality and performance alone, and the ignorance of ownership of a reasonable supply of "standard" clamps and  vises already.
If the above hasn't turned you off, read on and be "impressed"... I was, even before reading this review.
On a momentary lapse of sanity while reordering another set of Bessey Revo KREV, mixed with copious vinos, I noticed the Fe$tool VAC SYS system, fell in love and without hesitation  placed an order.  After sobering up a tad a few day's later, I started to look into cancelling the purchase as the items were on back order and may have provided a viable exit clause.  Then I thought, who out there can look at their bank balance and say, "There's that $1,000 I chose not to buy an expensive tool for, all those years ago!"… money got sucked up building that big yard.
I had a moment of weakness (even for me) and bought all 3 major components,

  1. VAC SYS VP, vacuum,
  2. VAC SYS SE1, clamp with foot lever.
  3. VAC SYS SE 2, 2nd piggy-back clamp.
One thing I will add, for a German Company with expensive merchandise, their manual (and electronic format availability [PDF]) is a super shizenhousen without dunny paper.
Without proper comprehensive documentation, I was apprehensive and immediately started ringing up dealers and Fe$tool themselves about connecting the 3 components together… Fortunately no one could tell me and said they would call back, as in the meantime I found this video which allayed all my fears and prevented me making a fool of myself when eventually the rep contacted me.
Problem was where do you (the royal I) put it?
I cleared my Workmate, placed a plank on it and used the clamps' self-mount feature to attach to the plank.
Put the SE 1 into action and mounted some melamine

MDF circle (without a through hole)
MDF circle (with a through hole plugged by a removable dowel on one side)
Mounted the elongated suction pad
and grabbed a few different pieces of rough dressed timber (using both SE1 & SE2 clamps).
Grainy tassie oak roughly dressed from Bunnings,
very rough wenge,
which "held", however, there is no way I would leave it on the SYS VAC during initial preparation for furniture grade… maybe after surfacing, and  levelling to about 80 grit status.
Then mounted the narrow suction pad
and tested it on 40mm x 19mm dressed pine,
Did a few physical jerks with the timber and was rewarded with a pleasant firm hold.
Made the SE 2 conversion to the foot-valve (added the piggy-back hose outlet),
and added the SE 2 in line with the SE 1,
Grabbed a 12Kg piece of maple… one side was too roughly dressed, however, the flip side had sufficient milling to permit solid mounting,
Didn't have a bigger piece, however, I did place another 8Kg weight of maple on top to simulate 20Kg,
without phasing it.
My physical evaluated has been immortalised in this video of me in my nightie and thongs, performing blue animal interaction with the VAC SYS.
Not having used the clamps in a formal capacity, I had to rush up to my office and write this quick review (may follow up with an in depth later) just in case Santa was still hovering about in some of you LumberJocks' neighbourhood because of the C19 schedule interference and you may still slip in a 2020 Christmas present to yourself if your quick enough.
  • Did I need it… NO! However, could have been better utilised years ago when I made larger furniture/woodworking projects.
  • Could I live without it… YES.  Before I bought it… however, after experiencing it, I would replace it if I was unfortunate enough to be faced with equipment failure, accidental breakage or theft.
  • Quick clamping is a timesaver and anything that extends my remaining workable time on this Earth, as opposed to stuffing around time, is a priceless bonus.
  • A set would assist in making stuff to sell… to help expand SWMBO's shoe collection.
  • If you ask how much does it cost you have a choice,
    1. You can't afford it,
    2. Don't need it.
  • If you think you could use one… get off your arse and save your shekels so you can buy a set.

 ------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Yeah, I found the same issue with the one I built, ducky. Gotta have a pretty flat and smooth surface to vac to. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Actually I was quite surprised at how well it held on poorly dressed timber... however, it did need to be "dressed".  The wenge I suspended with it was very coarse... I have even managed to hold some resaw cuts off the bandsaw... though that was just a POC... I would normally joint it before clamping with the VAC-SYS.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Interesting piece of equipment.    Thanks for the review.      Luckily I have no need or desire for one.


With the probably low production numbers and high development costs, you might have a rare treasure for your descendants to fight over. Kinda like a Monet or other fancy sauce.

Can certainly see the value for large panel work, probably the intended audience and looks well suited for the purpose!

I want to do right, but not right now. Gillian Welch

Splinter, I know its an overkill, but its my indulgence like 987's Porsche.

Correction hairy....

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

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