Small chest of drawers from (mostly) dead trees from our property

   So…I had this strange desire to make lumber from the dead and dying trees from our woods. Southeastern red cedar and something else I have not been able to identify, though I’m going with Norway maple…have been having a tough time of it on our property. So…because it’s always a great manly chest hair pulling kind of day when you can break out the chainsaw, I decided to harvest some of this lumber for something other than the fire pit. 

   Made a jig for the bandsaw, started cutting up some pretty funky material…some of it beginning to rot, some of it badly checked…none of it “furniture grade” by any stretch of imagination. In short, it felt like a fools errand…but then again, I kept at it so at least I stayed in character… ; ) 

   Sprayed the ends with contact cement to seal them…let them sit around so I could watch them twist, warp, and check like mad. These were small trees…nothing big enough where I could actually consider grain and stability issues when milling. In the end, lots of waste…but that’s what the fire pit’s for! 

  So….after a while I made the above. Used the cedar for the panels, some yellow pine I salvaged from the door jambs from my daughter and son in law’s house when I replaces their side door as well as some of the maple for the drawers, and some walnut that a friend had given me some time ago for the frames and handles. 

  I wasn’t going to post this project because it’s well…uh…a bit overstimulating visually, but I ended up really liking it. My wife doesn’t…so sadly it’s  going to live in the shop for small tool storage. No pesky moths will ever bother my chisels again. 

Oh yeah…that last pic is my grandson. I’m gonna be a first time grandpa. Stay tuned for the cradle post! 👍🏼


If I didn’t laugh at myself, I’d lose my mind.


buddy i love it man  ! and ill admit i got a sneak preview of the grand event ! congrats my friend !!!!! 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Personally I love the look of the timber.. though I could relate with your wife as it could be a tad "busy" for internal household  furniture... but then again I'm a wog and have divorced for less disagreements.

from (mostly) dead trees

If you find a few leaves sprouting in the drawers, you'll know which trees weren't "mostly dead".

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nicely done RCC, that will make a wonderful chest for the shop. Like that you cut the trees, milled the lumber, and built this all from the yard. Don't feel bad about the wife not really wanting it in the house, I would be in the same boat with mine. A great design and it looks good.

Main Street to the Mountains

It came out nice for piecing lumber together. Not easy making it all work from bits and pieces. Congratulations 
Thanks guys! 

Pottz…Even though sworn to secrecy I had to tell someone…Figured you were a safe bet not to spill the beans and put me in the hoosegow. BTW…this is the project that was supposed to give everyone a good laugh…🤣

Ducks…I like the wood too. What’s not to love? It look like bacon and smells like cedar. Don’t really feel bad about the bride not wanting it in the house. She’s often said the same about me….and she doesn’t like bacon. Somehow I soldier on. 

Eric…Thanks for the thumbs up. I‘ve found “making wood” to be kind of fun…and have made some small book matched panels that might find a home someday. I’ve split a fair amount of firewood and as a woodworker it always kind of bothered me. To create something from the materials available make it that much more unique and adds a story to be told.

Hey Corelz! …It wasn’t so bad once you lowered your acceptable material standards. The floating cedar panels and drawer fronts are definitely “good side up.” A lot of planing and jointing to flatten/ straighten material…and a shell game matching  boards as best I could. 
Slow going…but I enjoyed every minute of it.

And thank you all for the congrats! Time to start working on that cradle. ; ) 

If I didn’t laugh at myself, I’d lose my mind.

and maybe a ratlle, and some toys,and a high chair and..................................on and on and on !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Beautiful chest!  I love the cedar.
Like the chest, cedar is a really good looking wood.  Nicely one start to finish.    


Excellent IMO RCC, although I'd accept smells like bacon and looks like cedar.

I was given two ERC 8x8 timbers, dang stuff is just chock-full of internal cracks. A tip o' the hat to keeping after it and beating that wood into submission!

Love the framing and those handles are really cool!
That’s the trade off with free material sometimes. Takes more time to prep. If time ain’t money than no big deal
I think it looks great! You ended up with an arrangement of colors that most people would not think of, but given what you had to work with you came up with an unique and attractive set of drawers.
Looks great RCC, those handles are cool.

Bonus point on the Galoot Index for milling your own trees.
So you are in the - wife-doesnt-like-it-club too.  I guess many of us Dudes are (yes, Big Lebowski reference).  Lately tho, the wife has been like - oh, I can sell that in my shop! Of course, nothing I have made of late has even the remotest hint of Wood, so not really progress.
While I like the style of the cabinet and accents, I will be honest - because I know you are a big boy and can handle it - I think the dark brown walnut and the red in the cedar are clashing.  On the other hand, the cedar has some amazing character.
Oh, and congrats on joining the Grandpa Club!  I hope to be a member too, someday.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

Wow…this was the project that was supposed to be laughed at…

Scrapple, 987Ron, Steve & MikeB…thanks for your kind words. They’re much appreciated…and that kind of input will likely get me posting more…given we all can use a little pat on the back occasionally! 

Splinter…You absolutely crack me up…always look forward to your posts and your humor.  You’ve now got me contemplating a final finishing step using applewood smoked bacon. ; ) 
If you’re so inclined, I would love to see something you create from your cedar. 

Wildwood!…I pulled up my plaid big boy pants, put on my striped shirt, my fat white belt, penny loafers and paisley tie and felt just fine about your opinion. Mainly because I don’t disagree with it either. The red tones will mellow and the piece will hopefully become a little less unnerving with time….or not. It’ll be interesting to see…who knows, maybe the wife will actually let me bring it into the house…

Best to all….

If I didn’t laugh at myself, I’d lose my mind.

…I pulled up my plaid big boy pants, put on my striped shirt, my fat white belt, penny loafers and paisley tie and felt just fine about your opinion.

So, you are a wild and crazy guy, like Steve Martin!  Excellent.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

I did make a clock face with some "select" sections where I eliminated the sap wood. Have no idea if ti is still in one piece 🤔

“So, you are a wild and crazy guy, like Steve Martin!  Excellent”
Superb reference…and back when SNL was actually funny!
I was kind of going with Herb Tarlek from WKRP in Cincinnati. Now there’s a dude who knew how to accessorize…

But I gotta admit, Wild and Crazy Guys is much better. 🤣

If I didn’t laugh at myself, I’d lose my mind.

Outstanding!!!!  Just love that wood and build both!


i have always liked the look of cedar GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


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