Hannah's Chest

Actually made some time ago.  Mahogany with Holey stringing and beads.   Secondary wood is Poplar.   Aged the brass to give a vintage look to the hardware.   Chest is 21 inches wide,  14 inches tall, and 14 inches deep.     Wall thickness is 1/2 inch.   Dovetails all hand cut.  Feet were turned on my Midi Lathe.  The strings are 1/16"  wide and 3/32' deep  before sanding down.   Bosch Colt router with a Freud 1/16" bit used to cut the grooves for the strings.    Bottom moulding made on my router table with various bits.    Bosch router.  Finish is BLO and later shellac to seal it.   
This is a copy of one made by Moses Pyle in 1746 for his daughter Hannah's birthday, age 4.    The square area on the front between the stringing had her birth date and initials carved in.    The chest was made of Walnut.    In 1748 he made a second chest for his Sister-in-Law also named Hannah.    This one is in the Winterhur Museum in Pennsylvania.  
Popular Woodworking did an article on the chest and a build.   That build and those plans I used for my copy of Hannah's Chest.  The article is available Popularwoodworking.com/article/hannahs-inlaid-chest/   My build is not an exact copy of theirs but close, used theirs as a guide and reference.     



beautiful ron, nice work on the string inlay and dovetails. man you should have been in the box swap !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

very beautiful Ron as pottz said should have joined the swap GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Thanks Pottz for the comments.     Never done one of the swaps, maybe next time.   


Thanks GR8   As to swaps,  Be 85 next month, have almost enough time and energy for the projects for family, friends and shop and those that interest me.    Not much left for swaps.    Hear it is fun etc.   maybe some time in the future.    



Love your work. Inlays always excellent.


Oh this one! easily my favorite. I think I've checked this box so many times along with the spice box(Maybe more than you did, haha). Your work is always great!

No name noobie here

Thanks YRTI     much appreciated.    


An elegant clean lined chest but some excellent fine detail in the drawers and stringing. Great. 
Really nice work Ron.


Thanks for the comments.    Nice to hear.    


You do a great job at those inlays. Entire project looks great.
Extremely beautiful work, Ron.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

Beautiful all around; the excellent inlay, the great dovetails, and the turned feet. Very nice indeed.
thanks for the kind comments.   Enjoyed the build.    


Lovely!!  So many fine details.  I'll have to look up stringing. 
Ron that is beautiful, and the details that are included in the whole package, the bunn feet, dovetails, string inlay. A very well crafted little chest. I also like those little drawers with the arched center.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks guys.   Eric I can not take credit for the design as it is a copy of the Winterhur Museum's Chest by Moses Pyle.        


It is still beautiful Craftsmanship Ron. 

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks for the comment Eric.  


Very nice, Roan and so attractive...............Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day