Craftisian Blogs

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The center section seemed like the logical starting point. That contains the base and the wing. The first task was to cut out a place for the wing ...
Hey All, Still alive and still working in the shop even though I really have not posted much. I have started working with a Laser (Xtool D1 Pro) an...
For the body I made segmented rings. Lots of rings. Also solid wood rings. [ring 2.JPG] [ring 5.JPG][ring 6.JPG][ring 8.JPG][IMG_4172.JPG] [ring 10...
In order to explain my own speargun project, it makes sense to provide some context on speargun designs first. [Image] Spearguns, used for huntin...
I am making this airplane out of cedar, actually fence boards from Home Depot. I go through them and get the best I can. To make the wings, tail a...
 The car is at the shop being converted. I delivered it the first week of January. It sat for a week or so while Michael finished up an Audi conver...
Years ago, I started a YouTube channel. Unlike a lot of people, I didn't start it to post regular updates or to make a million and become an 'influ...
I’m brand new to wood lathes and woodturning. The journey that led me to getting one was about as strange as possible. I’m going to use this openin...
I hope it turns out to be what I have in mind. That would suck if I bungle it. I hope I do this blog right. It's intended to be start to finish in1...
Double post from another blog topic, but wanted to put it somewhere I could readily add to later. Here goes! A very incomplete review of folding ...
 Now I have two projects going at the same time. Once the first panel is off the forms I can reverse each form to create a mirror image for the dri...