Workbench / Outfeed Table #1 #4: getting further


Well im making some head way. I did the reinforcement on the bottom beams because of inertia. I have the face frames done, & one on now. I did some edge banding today on a piece for my french cleat section. We’ll see what the weekend brings.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

It’s coming along nicely Jeff.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Yes, ditto.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

That’s looks nice Jeff!


Thanks guys really appreciate it. I’ll tell you this is a challenge more so for the reason of spanning without deflection. I had a plan in my head and wrote down what I wanted however, I changed it three times as I went. Well I just sat down and calculated the weight of my to stretcher beams now that I built them up. I follow the formula of “IF”. "IF is the “inertia” of a member when used with the Modulus of Elasticity of the particular material allows us to predict the deformation (deflection) of that member when loaded.If = (width)(depth)(depth)(depth)/(12)…in inches to the fourth power!
All said and done I get 31 lbs per square inch times 540 square inches = 16,740 lbs so I think im good. Lmao!!! Not getting and deflection now.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

I think you’re safe. LOL

Losing fingers since 1969