Ramblings from a South Central Texas Wood Butcher #4: Texas Sledding and Doing the Jig


Been busy in the “Wood Shop,” putting together table saw sleds and router jigs. It’s great to be back in woodworking. Didn’t realize that I missed it so. Sprung for a DeWalt table saw, not a big one, but one that’s working for me. Best, it fit my budget. Have never liked Miter Gauges, so I put together three sleds.

Crosscut Sled

Inclined 45 Degree Sled

Flat 45 Degree Sled

Sliding Router Table Fence and a Finger/Box Joint Plate

Dovetail Keyed Miter Joint Jig

Today I knocked out a tall router table fence, with 2 1/2" dust collector hook up. This one is made to clamp.

Once I got the Finger/Box Joint jig and Dovetail Keyed Miter jig done, I had to try them out.

Trial Finger/Box Joint

Small Box with Dovetail Keyed Mitered corners

Now, I need to finalize the Keep Sake box designs that I’m going to make for several coupled getting hitched this year.

Now it’s time to get out and tackle replacing the rear tire on the motorcycle. :-/

Happy Wooding!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

Nice Shin, you have been busy. Good stuff.


Busy as a bee. It’s time I built another router fence. I built one of those box style ones a while back but there’s room for improvement, as there usually is.

Losing fingers since 1969

now theres a project

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"