Ramblings from a South Central Texas Wood Butcher #28: Soggy South Central Texas, but Making Shavings and Writing Again


Howdy, Everybody!

Hope everybody is doing well. Not bad here, other than it’s REALLY wet. I’ve got a tractor to work on and tractor work to do. But not right now.

So, there’s time to spend in the “Wood Shop” and on writing. I’ve picked up another writing gig, so I’ve been busy with that, but I’ve also been able to spend time in making shavings and such.

I’ve finished one cedar swing and not far to finishing the other. I’ve also knocked out a pallet wood Christmas tree. It went quick and it was fun to put together. Now it’s time for the Mrs. to paint it. :-)

I’ll post some pics a bit later. I haven’t shot any so, I need to take the DSLR out. My pocket camera died, so I have to pull the big camera out.

Oh well, back to stuff.

Until next time, Peace!

Here’s a shot of the finished swing that’s waiting for oil.

Keith "Shin" Schindler

It’s good to be back in business. I’m trying to sneak in some time for Christmas gifts, myself. It hasn’t been easy with a 2 year old getting between me and the shop door. LOL

Losing fingers since 1969

I love this creation and I’m brainstorming how to best turn it into a family tree.
starting with grandparents on the bottom, with each set of names on the side branches; then my parents, with Dad on one side and Mom on the other; then me; then my two kids and their spouses; and the grandkids; and that leaves three layers for great-grandkids etc. Might make a cool heirloom piece.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Wow! I like how you’re going with this. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Keep us posted.

Speaking of posted, how does one delete a blog post?

I have no idea how the other one came about.

Keith "Shin" Schindler