Ramblings from a South Central Texas Wood Butcher #24: I'm a "Ghost." Ghost writer, that is.


Between the heat and gastric surgery, I haven’t been doing much in my hot shop. About the only outdoor stuff I’ve been doing is moving cut brush from the “front-40” to the burn pile. The cool of the morning, when the grass is damp is the best time, so that’s when I’m outside. By about 10:30 it’s too darn for this recovering fat guy. Evening isn’t too bad, but the grass is dry enough that dust billows.

I did bring my son’s lawn swing home. I’m going to make him and the daughter a cedar swing like the one I made for us. They both have the same swing, so I figured I’d build two at the same time. These are going to be Christmas gifts. Man I’m looking forward to cooler temps and more energy.

So, with it hot, I’ve been looking at other things to do. Not just for entertainment sake, but to bring a little money in. I’ve recently taken up a gig as a Ghost Writer for an upcoming woodworking website. The owners are on the opposite sides of the Europe. With me as one of the writers, we’re really global.

So far, I’ve had one piece published, but I have two more to soon be published. If all goes well, I’ll continue writing for them. We’ll see.

If anyone’s interested, you can check out the first article at http://woodworkboss.com/your-garage-workshop/.

Unfortunately, as a Ghost Writer, I don’t get a by-line, but it’s cool to see my words online. Hopefully, my ramblings might motivate some newbie woodworkers in starting their own woodworking adventures.

Keith "Shin" Schindler

Congratulations!!! Well done.
(Lovely article, as well)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Thank you, Ms. Debbie!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

Very nice. If you can’t be in the woodshop then this is the next best thing, I suppose. How did you hook up with these guys?

Losing fingers since 1969


Sorry for the delay in responding. Yep, writing about woodworking is almost as good as doing it. I joined Upwork and they posted that they needed a writer for their website. I applied and got the gig. Just submitted my 11th article.

I’m really enjoying working with them, as they are flexible and since I have a deep background in woodworking, they actually take my suggestions and give me leeway.

Keith "Shin" Schindler