PAST Tool Collectors #3: Stanley Rule and Level Compass plane


This is part 3 in a 8 part series: PAST Tool Collectors

This one blew my mind. So there I was, down in Half Moon Bay on a day trip to the 4 hour meetup of the PAST Tool Collectors association.

I had wandered around. Most things were out of my price range.

I was dead set on achieving one thing while there — amongst a short list of things to achieve — and that was to walk away with at least one decent plane for $50 or less. That was the cap. $50.

I walked up to the guy with the most planes and explained what it was for, and that I wanted to see anything he had for $50 or less. He looked me dead in the eye and said “I don’t have anything like that.”

With a disappointed look on my face I simply uttered “oh.” 

I turned to walk away without another word, and I could not take but one step before someone tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear “hey, I might have just the thing.”

I felt like I was about to meet a guy with watches in a trench coat in an alley out back. Luckily, it was nothing so sinister.

I was taken over to another table where the gentleman picks up a plane that I instantly recognize as an early compass plane in pristine condition. My immediate thought before he says a single word is “no way!”

This … for $50. No gimmick, actually labeled, at an event where cash is king and no taxes are paid (but if Uncle Sam is reading this, they are included in the price).

I have not yet had a chance to do a full examination including breakdown and potential trial cut

The guy that whispered to me to go check out the deal at the other table told me he could not believe it and if I had not bought it he was going to.
That looks like a sweet deal!
Except I just realized the palm rest is missing (broke off; disguised by a re-japanning that covered the break). D’Oh!

Makes pushing/holding the thing kind of difficult (to say the least)