PAST Tool Collectors #2: Screw holding screwdriver


This is part 2 in a 8 part series: PAST Tool Collectors

  1. Ahoy
  2. Screw holding screwdriver
  3. Stanley Rule and Level Compass plane
  1. Books

Bet you clicked the title thinking you’ve seen them all. The Upson Bros, Stanley, Craftsman, Bell, …

Bet you’ve never seen a pair of screw-holding screwdrivers like this …

Holds a slotted screw (obviously).

I have not yet tested it.

It appears to have a couple patent dates, the later of which is 1899.

I have not yet deciphered the make/model. Handily the oldest specimen of a screw-holding screwdriver that I have ever come across.

It came home with me to join my now half-dozen (iirc) screw-holding drivers.
The trick is - once you have a need for this tool you have to remember you have it!