Sawbench/Mini Workbench #2: Benchtop


This is part 2 in a 6 part series: Sawbench/Mini Workbench

Big box 1 x 4 lumber, so everything needs jointing.
Flatten and glue up some planks for the sides of the top.

This took longer to do than it looks, probably didn't need it's own blog section.

The middle will have a wagon vise in so I’ll need to make a screw to start. 

Going with 1 ¼ inch,, got the threading kit and it turns out I can’t get 1 ¼ dowel anywhere so I’ll have to make my own. 

I could just freehand it with a plane, but that's fairly slow going and it’ll be useful to be able to quickly make more so I guess I’ll make a rounding plane for it.