8 Drawer Beaded Face Frame Cupboard Construction #8: The double radius trim to complete the BFFC


This is part 8 in a 8 part series: 8 Drawer Beaded Face Frame Cupboard Construction

  1. BFFC Day 1
  1. BFFC Day 7
  2. The double radius trim to complete the BFFC

You may have seen the preparation involved to construct the Double radius feature at the back of the cabinet top.
Here it is sitting in place.

Am not sure what you thought of it but after all the work I didn't like it, so redesigned the back to blend in more with the existing trim.
Out with yet another pallet stick.

jointed and cut it to a close size.

then rabbeted and made a profile with my fret saw.

sanded it wiith a rotary too to match the profile and glued it on.

And needless to say I was a bit happier with the final result.

Just out of interest which would you prefer,  if it was your cabinet or what would your opinion on the design options be?
Conclusion:-  Or epilog as LBD would say, the cabinet now complete, it has 4 wheels fitted to enable it to be moved about, which I would consider will be removed when it in its final location. The top is removable along with all eight drawers making it a little easier to manage.
Thanks for having a look, and I guess  its time to find something else to amuse myself with!.

Regards Rob

bravo RC, well done my aussie friend.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 it has 4 wheels fitted to enable it to be moved 

You trying to reinvent the wheel?  What happened to your string?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

You’ve certainly done a top job on the chest of drawers Rob, well done 👍 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings