8 Drawer Beaded Face Frame Cupboard Construction #7: BFFC Day 7

Well most of the progress has slowed somewhat.

First up :- My custom trolley as promised. (Edit opps cannot find the pictures just now!)

Its for moving build around the drive way and then back into the garage

Building The top:-

I needed to section the support for the top so I had to make it in 3 sections.
then more re sawing  for the actual top.

once that was done some thicknessing to get equal thicknesses.

Edge  joining.
I intended to biscuit joint them but after i finished them all I discovered my Biscuit cutter must have move slightly and the biscuits did not line up..rats!
This meant using a timber tongue and re routing a wider groove  and of course make some custon tongue strips

All the being done I clamped up 4 sections

the clamps were not wide enough and I wasn't pulling out my Backline clamps to do the job so they got a two hit glue up
Once with the parallel clamps then another with sash clamps too get No 5 in.
Checked it out next morning and did a glue scrape and some sanding ...started at 80  and finished up at 240 Grit.

Producing the edge trim.
I used a profile that  suited the existing beading however to produce the profile requires a bit of tinkering as both my Magswitchs were not designed to cater for the height of the timber and I had to screw one section of the ind feather board onto the fence.

then it worked reasonably well.

The finished Product.

However I am not sure I want to use it so packed up to go think about it all.

Regards Rob

👍,🦆... Damn, no 1/2 thumb emoji....

Edge  joining.
I intended to biscuit joint them but after i finished them all I discovered my Biscuit cutter must have move slightly and the biscuits did not line up..rats!
This meant using a timber tongue and re routing a wider groove  and of course make some custon tongue strips 

You spruiking for a Domino???

The finished Product.
However I am not sure I want to use it so packed up to go think about it all. 

Hope you moved it inside... WD40 doesn't prevent rust on timber!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Jokes aside... there is something orgasmic about panel glue ups,

that titebond adds to the magic (OK, semi jokes aside).

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Moving along Rob.

Main Street to the Mountains

Hang in there Rob it will come together you diligence will pay off big.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

 commented about 8 hours ago
Hang in there Rob it will come together you diligence will pay off big.

Just keep it hidden RC, or you'll get some looney drive through (another story) trying to relocate it for you.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD