Chain Mortiser

I didn't know I needed one of these. No idea what I'll build once I buy one but Tim Taylor would approve! 


12 Replies

i rather specialty tool lets say ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Handy if you are building a timber frame house, bridge, or barn.
Needs a broom to go with it.


Ha! I was thinking chip collection too when I saw it Ron.


very nice safety glasses 👀


lol- yeah he worries about his hearing but who cares about if he can see tomorrow ? 🤣

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Mafell, Makita, Hitachi, Ryobi (the old, good stuff, not today's disposable crap) all make or made a nice portable chain mortiser.  I've almost bought one a time or two but it's so specialized I'd use it almost never.
Thanks for the heads up Foggy....  It's with this type of presentations some (me) come across tools never heard/seen before.

Like most, I can't see ever needing one as I am too bloody old and decrepit to make furniture/stuff requiring such grunt, but I could see the cost savings benefit (in time) for the beast by others without lobster pot wallets.

You never know, one might finish up in my workshop when I go browsing for stuff I don't need but can afford.

Hell, I remember being shitcanned for buying a 3D printer for my workshop not that long ago.... and the same for my laser.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Back when he was writing about Roubo the Schwartz went over to Germany to that GBH tool world and did a class or 3 for bench builds. They used a Prazi chain mortiser to cut out mortises on the benches. A lot of folks thought it was cheating, I thought it was expensive. 
So, did you end up buying a chain mortiser?  I'm still casually shopping and missed a couple screaming deals (a requirement for something I don't really need) but I'm hopeful one will come along eventually that I can grab.
Locally I can rent one for under a hundred bux for 2 days. I've never seen one South of a Grand, and it was trashed. I try to calculate the number of uses, and could never come up with more than a couple in a lifetime, so it's a rental tool to me. If I ever needed one. I have already collected way too many tools. need to thin the herd a bit actually.
I have already collected way too many tools. need to thin the herd a bit actually.
